Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Implanting microchips in humans

Tittle: implanting micrchips in humans
Date of Publication: Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Author: Todd Lewan.

- Vault: noun, a room , especially in a bank used for keeping valuable things safe.
- Wondrous: adjective, strange, beautiful and impressive.
- Herd: noun, a group animals of the same type that live and feed together.
- Windshield (AmE): Windscreen (BrE), noun, the window across the front of a motorvehicle.
- Toll: noun, money that you pay to use a particular road or bridge.
- Tire (AmE): Tyre (BrE), noun, a thick rubber ring that fits around the egde of a wheel.
- Excoriate: (formal),verb, to criticize somebody or something.
- Detractor: noun, a person who tries to make somebody, something seen less good or valuable by criticizing it.
- Mistrust: noun, a feeling that you cannot trust somebody or something. suspicious.
- Savvy: (informal), adjective, having a practical knowledge and understanding of something, having a common sense: tech-savvy.
- Rig: verb, to fit equipment somewhere.
- Reader: noun, an electronic device that reads data stored in one form and changes it into another form so that a computer can perform operations on it.
- Surreptitious: adjective, done secretly or quickly.
- Livingwill: noun, a document stating your wishes concerning medical treatment in the case that you become so ill that you can no longer make decisions about it, in particular asking doctors to stop treating you and let you die.

Main Ideas:
- Two employees of City, a provider of surveillance equipment, had glass-encapsulated microchips embedded in their forearms.
- The chipping of the two workers was a way of resctricting access to vaults that held sesitive data, images for police departments, security key cards, and clearance codes.
- For the chief executive of the company this is a sophisticated technique to protect high-end secure data.
- The news fired up a debate over the proliferaton of technologies that erode privacy in digital age.
- To some people, the microchip was a wondrous invention, to others the notion of tagging people was Orwellian.
- To these critics, chipping might start with Alzheiemer's patients but would eventually be suggested for convicts, sex offenders, illegal aliens, etc. until one day a majority of Americans would find themselves electronically tagged.
- 30 years ago the first electronic tags were fixed to cattle to track herds' reproductive and eating habits.
- In the 1990s, millions of chips were implanted in livestock, fish, pets and even racehorses.
- Microchips are now fixed to car screenshields as a toll-paying device and embedded in tires, library books and passports.
- The city executive said his employees volunteered to be chipped.
- Civil libertarians and Christian conservatives joined to excoriate the microchip's implantation in people.
- Some critics saw the implants as a fullmiment of a biblical prophecy that describes an age in which humans are forced to take "the mark of the beast" with them.
- Others saw it as a step towards a Big Brother society.
- In desing the tag are simple and implantation are quick procedures, but microchips cannot be easily and painlessly removed.
- A physician got chipped so that if he had an accident doctors could identify him and access to his medical history quickly.
- This is seen by people as a loss of anonymity.
- Microchip proponents and detractors agree that Americans' mistrust of microchip and technology runs deep.
- Among many cons of microchips, spoofing is one of them: thieves pluck people's ID out of their arms with their own readers.
- (Florida), the company that makes implantable microchips, concedes that it is a problem.
- Scott Silverman, the chief executive of that company, says that to grab information from radio frecuency products with a scanning device is not hard to do.
- Verichip has sold 7,000 microchips worlwide of which about 2,000 have been implanted in humans.
- The company is present tagging of diabetics patients, people with heart conditions or Alzheimer.
- In an emergency, hospital staff could wave a reader over the patient's arm get an ID number and via Internet, enter a data base and pull up the person's identity and medical history.
- Some wonder why they should abandon non-invasive tags such as medic bracelets.
- Silverman responds that an implanted chip is guaranteed to be always with you.
- The company charges $20 a year for customers to keep on its database a record of blood type, allergies, medications, driver license data and living will directives, and $80 to keep an individual's full medical history.

Personal Reaction:
In my opinion, tagging people with microchips can be harmful depending on the use of them. If laws allow to "mark" delincuents as a way to control them in their re-insertation in society, I think that such policies could be quite a benefit, especially for the rest of the community. The same ocuurs with patients which are at a constant risk, because the quick acces of the hospital stuff to their medical history can save the patients'lives. As regarding employees, to embed them with microchips is a meassure that the companies should only be allowded to take with the approval of the workers that will have the chips on their arms.
The problem may arise when peoples'ID is in danger because they can be stolen with a scan which reads the microchips'information. To solve this, companies involved in the production of microchips for human should provide their customers with security meassures and contract which assure them that their identity will be safely kept on a data base. This type of contracts can relife people from those kind of fears.
To enter into an advanced technological age has it cons and pros and companies and governmets should work together to find the ways to keep the balance between what is right and what is wrong as regarding the use of technology. And to what refers to microchips they should find the way to assure society that such technology will be used for the improvement of peoples'life, in advanced, before such devices are released into the market.

Monday, August 27, 2007

US House votes ethics rules

Tittle : Us House votes tougher ethics rules
Source: (The World)
Date of publication: Wednesday, August 1, 2007


- provisions: a condition or an agreement in a legal document.
- disclosure: (formal) the act of making something known or public that was previously secret.
- pet: that you are very interested in: pet project.
- lobby: to try to influence a politician or the government and persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law.
- aide: a person who helps another person, especially a politician in their job.
- earmarks: to decide that something will be used for a particular purpose, or to state that something will happen to somebody or someting in the future.
- dole (dole something out): to give out an amount of food, money, etc. to a number of people in a group.
- peddle: influence-peddling scandals: to spread an idea or story in order to get people to accept it.

Main Ideas:
- The US House of Representatives approved legislation to toughen congressional ethics and lobbying rules and laws.
- Previsions require disclosure of projects slipped into masive spending measures, prhibit pensions to lawmakers convicted of bribery and disclosure of campaign domations lobbyists.
- The House passed the meassure and sent it to the Senate.
- A number of Senate Republicans have complained the meassure does not go far enough but a Senate aide said most Republicans appear to support it.
- Advocacy groups have urged its passage and President G. Bush is expected to sign the legislation into law.
- What Democrats denounced as a Republican culture of corruption in Congress was a major factor in last year's congresional elections.
- Republican Reps.Bob Ney (Ohio) and Randy Duke Cunningham (California) were convicted to bribery.
- But problems were not confined only to Republicans, democratic Rep. Willian Jeferson (Lousiana) was disclosure of an expansion of pet projects placed in big spending bills.
- The bill would require that all earmarks be identified on the Internet before final congressional passage so that they could be challenged.
- The measure would also prohibit lobbyist paid parties in their honour and prohibit lobbyist from providing members gifts.

Personal Reaction:

Democratic leader Stengy Hoyer (Maryland) declared that "the Congress that was elected last November is pledging to clean up the culture of corruption". To believe that this is what is actually happening may be quite difficult for American citizens taking into account that there have been many cases that involved members of the Congress in bribery. And that the US House votes tougher ethic rules is just one first step necessary to stop any wrong doing from part of its members.
This step should have been taken long time ago. Maybe is not casual that the legislation is passed to the Congress during these days, because the US is preparing for next year elections. Democrats won power recently because a spate of mostly Republican scandal took place. And the dispute among the two parties is for sure going to rise stronger as the next year elections come closer.
Despite of what an electional atmosphere can cause whithin politicians and their campaigns, ethic rules should be impossed in every government. Competition has got quite inside the political world, everywhere, and laws should start to affect them. This first step to end up with the mentioned problem is the first step to a possible solution, which can probably deal with the actual political reality that make most of people fell very discoraged towars it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fashion for size zero

Tittle: Fashion for size zero fules rise in eating disorders among models
Date of Publication: 06 july 2007
Author: Thair Shaik

- conceal: verb,formal, to hide something or somebody.
- enquiry: noun, an official process to find out the cause of something or to find out information about something.
- binge: noun, informal, a short period of time when you do too much of a particular activity, especially eating and drinking alcohol.
- catwalk: noun, the long stage that models walk on during a fashion show.
- full: verb, to increase something, to make something stronger.
- purge: verb, to make yourself, somebody, something pure, healthy or clean by getting rid of something bad, bad thoughts or bad feelings.
- drop dead: verb, informal, to die suddenly and unexpectedly.
- light-street: noun, the main street of a town where most shops, store, banks, etc, are.
- interim: adjective, intended to last for only a short time until somebody or something more permanente is found.

Main Ideas:
- The fashion industry's obssesion with size zero could de driving an increase in eating disorders among models.
- A report by The Model Health Inquiry said that known cases of anorexia could de just the "tip of an iceberg".
- A psychiatrist who worked in the report said that girls with anorexia are more prominent but there's a much bigger group with bulimia.
- The Independent Inquiry was set up to investigate the preasure an models to be extremely thin.
- It follows the death of three South American models, apparently from malnutrition related to eating disorders.
- The controversy surrounding zero-sized models intensified with the fashion industry in Milan and Madrid barring them during their high-profile fashion weeks.
- Some well known high-street chains said they will use "normal" sized women to advertise their clothes.
- A doctor who has been asked to give talks to modeling agencies about the issue said that the model population is at risk.
- For her the solution is not to ban size-zero but train model agency bookers to look for signs of eating disorders.
- Bulimia, medically known as bulimia nervosa is marked by cycles of eating excessive quantities of food followed by purging using self-induced vomiting, laxatives and diuretics.
- The repeated vomiting may cause burns to the oesophagus, dehydration and chemical imbalances in the blood.

Personal Reaction:

In the last decades we have seen cases of models who drop dead as a result of eating disorders. At the same time we have been bombarded with campaigns and health advertising about bulimia and anorexia.
Health organizations have worked together with governments and also with modelling agencies to aware the population about the symptons and prevention of eating disorders. Besides models, which are believed to be the most vulnerable ones, population in general, especially teenagers are awared about these diseases worldwide.
The problem seems to be that all attemps to give final solution to this situation appear to fail. Every year, cases of dramatic deaths within the fashion industry are known.
Recently, the baning of size-zero was introduced as a policy in many countries. This idea is totally accurated taken into account that it is supported by the World Health Organization. To have a size zero means that the mass index of your body is under the normal levels.
I find very interesting the idea of accompaning this policy with campaigns to make the agency bookers able to recognize eating disorders in models. And if teenagers and models are kept safe from the preasure of being extremely thin, the whole situation may possible reach a solution.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Journal: The right of privacy on the Internet.

The purpose of this report is to deal with one of the main concerns of people as regarding everybody's right to privacy. This right, is unfortunatelly loosing space in our life and it is principally threaten by the advances of technology. Within them, the one which can go against our privacy the most, is the use of Internet.
From opennig a new e-mail account to register in a web page, we are almost always ask for information while surfing the Net. It is well known that for many type of Internet working people are allowd to use a nick name but for many others your real identity must necessarily be revealed. It would appear that all your personal infromation is safely manipulated although it has been proved that any common hacker can have acces to it. This would mean that everything you post on the Internet can be read by others. And to do this, does not imply too much effort or the need of high technological backgroung knowledge by the ones who spend time on computers to look at data without permission.
One of the main issues arises when you are ask for example, your credit card number. Using the Internet to buy and sell things have increasily become a current way of trading. And almost all the companies which commercialize through the Internet ask you for personal information which must necessarily be truth. The majority of them assures you that everything would be kept in privacy but it has been recently proved how much easier is the Internet making the work of bank account's theaves.
Action has been taken to deal with these kind of problems. There are policies and laws in existance which main concern is to prevent hackers' work. The problem is that as well as new measures arise, new technology advances arises too, providing Internet theaves with new tools and ways of stealing. So unforutunatelly, we would appear to be in front of a non-stopping problem. There is a consensus of opinion regarding the necessity of greater personal information protection from part of the companies which ask you for data. First of all they should be requested by law to increase security acces to their data basis as well as leave crucial information such as ID number, credit card number and account information to be ask to their customers in a more personal way. Maybe by phone, or even face to face.
Considerations should be given to this problem so as to provide Internet users a more safe feeling towards it. Government and Internet companies should work together on this. They must find the way to reach to the introduction of greater controls on the use of Internet that can endager privacy, and stricter laws against the stealing of private infromation through it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Journal: Benefits from technology

The possibility of working from home, used to be a sort of Utopia. For many people, it used to be an impossible thing. But many of the new technological advances have cope with this succesfully. Internet, for example openned to us the possibility of working without having to leave our houses.
A recent research has shown that, in our country, the number of teleworkers has increased and that the mayority of them are independant workers. Most of the ones involved in this activity of working from their place of living are, in Argentina, language translators, arquithects, lawyers, accountants, journalists and there are also among them scientific investigators of many fields. All of them, are examples of peolpe who have made of their own houses their place of work by means of a computer and the Internet, which they use to communicate with their officies, secretaries colleagues and customers.
Teleworking is then, a sort of revolution generated from what technology offers to us nowadays. This activity arise independently from Internet but it was precisely the Internet which made possible the faster grow of this type or work in the last 5 years. By analyzing the situation from this point of view, we are in front of an advantage of Internet which can be mention within all the many others advantages of it.
It is also well known that there are lots of real situations that led to a paranoid attitude towards thecnology and especially the Internet, from part of society. Of course, we cannot denay that they can be harmful if they are used in the wrong way, but we should finally accept that thecnology is here to remain. And that it will continue growing and moving foward.
We should take the best out of tecnological advance and use it in our favour. Because it is us who controll and command it, and not the other way round. It is us who switch on and off the buttons, depending on our interests. We shouldn't be afraid of technology and we should just give us the chance to learn to use it properly and, most important, to teach this to our youngs and children.
Thecnology offers us many, many benefits. The case of teleworking is just one example. There are lots of cases like this. And we should open to those benefits maybe as a way to compensate the wrong uses of thecnology that leave to divided opinions about it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Journal: Another hit of Global Warming

Some weeks ago, a massive emergency operation started to take place in Great Britain in order to deal with the greatest floods of the last 60 years over that area. The west and central part of England were the most affected parts, which were left under the water after 3 days of constant rains. The photographs that appeared in the newspapers and the Internet showed to the world the dramatic situation that the country is suffering. A photo of the centre part of England, for example, showed how it appears to be a lake by these days, because houses and streets are completely under the water.
The main issue, among many others that were included in the emergency operation, deals with the lack of drinkable water. It is estimated that 400.000 people, approximately, were left without this resourse after the floods, and the government is doing it best to cope with this problem. The Army handed in bottles of water to the population and dispensers were placed in public areas, but these meassures seem to be not enough.
the problematic situation of the floods was the result of an overflow of the rivers that cross the national territory. Although barricades were place all over the rivers' banks, the government failed in preventing the water to flow into the city. Hundred of people suffer material loss because water affected their houses. And specialists on the field estimate that the economic loss is going to be over the sum of 300 million dollars.
With this dramatic events, Global Wraming shows us, again, the magnitud of its disastrous consequences. With a sort of crazy weather the world is experiencing, with greater force than years ago, all these consequences. While in Great Britain the most important floods in 60 years are taking place, in the east of Europe the sun heat is making the temperature rise over 40 grades. These heat rises, which results are affecting from Hungaria to Italy, have made the mortality rate in those countries to increase a 30 percent. 500 people have already died, and 3000 fires have already been reported.
Europe is giving little steps to solve all this problems and nowadays the seriousness of the situation is not longer under discusion. The importance of dealing against Global Warming was finally accepted, time ago. The fact is that to make population aware of such problem and the attemps to stop it, seem not enough...