Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Journal: Another hit of Global Warming

Some weeks ago, a massive emergency operation started to take place in Great Britain in order to deal with the greatest floods of the last 60 years over that area. The west and central part of England were the most affected parts, which were left under the water after 3 days of constant rains. The photographs that appeared in the newspapers and the Internet showed to the world the dramatic situation that the country is suffering. A photo of the centre part of England, for example, showed how it appears to be a lake by these days, because houses and streets are completely under the water.
The main issue, among many others that were included in the emergency operation, deals with the lack of drinkable water. It is estimated that 400.000 people, approximately, were left without this resourse after the floods, and the government is doing it best to cope with this problem. The Army handed in bottles of water to the population and dispensers were placed in public areas, but these meassures seem to be not enough.
the problematic situation of the floods was the result of an overflow of the rivers that cross the national territory. Although barricades were place all over the rivers' banks, the government failed in preventing the water to flow into the city. Hundred of people suffer material loss because water affected their houses. And specialists on the field estimate that the economic loss is going to be over the sum of 300 million dollars.
With this dramatic events, Global Wraming shows us, again, the magnitud of its disastrous consequences. With a sort of crazy weather the world is experiencing, with greater force than years ago, all these consequences. While in Great Britain the most important floods in 60 years are taking place, in the east of Europe the sun heat is making the temperature rise over 40 grades. These heat rises, which results are affecting from Hungaria to Italy, have made the mortality rate in those countries to increase a 30 percent. 500 people have already died, and 3000 fires have already been reported.
Europe is giving little steps to solve all this problems and nowadays the seriousness of the situation is not longer under discusion. The importance of dealing against Global Warming was finally accepted, time ago. The fact is that to make population aware of such problem and the attemps to stop it, seem not enough...

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