Friday, May 23, 2008

Why to become a Vegetarian.

When becoming a vegetarian, the Ethic reasons are considered by the majority of people as the most importants ones. The Ethic Vegetarianism starts with the belief that other creatures have feelings and rights similars to ours. This belief widens our vision and encourage us to be conscious about other creatures suffering.
The life of an animal in captivity inside husbandry farms in completely unnatural. They go through artificial breast feeding and breeding, castration or hormonal stimulation, anormal diets aimed to get them fat, and then, death. The truth about the killing of animals is that they do not have a peacful death: they are bit with a mallet, they receive electric shocks or they are fired with air guns. After these, they are hanged by their back legs and still alive, their throats or stomachs are cut so as to let them bleed to death. The mutilation and killings of animals in husbandry farms are not taking into account by the rules applied to the caring of domestic animals, and not even by the rules related to the manipulation of lab animals.
Many peolpe would undoubtedly become a vegetarian if they have the chance to visit an abbatoir, or if they participate once in the killing of animals inside those places. Most people who regurlarly eat meat do not feel responsible at all for those killings, but they forget that any time they buy meat, they are contributing in some way or another with those terrible acts. Most of those people are not aware of the paradox in which they live in, to which Bernad Shaw made reference once: "we pray every sunday...we are against war...meanwhile we gorge ourselves with meat... we are living tombs of killed animals, how is it that we expect that humanity reach peace then?".
Starvation will not desapear nor we will live in a peaceful world if we do not go through a process of conscious raising based on education. People should be educated on this topic and once they know the truth about the killing of animals they should be let to decide if they want to meat eat or not by themselves. Violence against animals is real and even more dramatic than violence against human beings, if we take into account that they are completely defenceless against human abuse.
We need to kill other creatures to survive and in the fight for survival every living being is food for other beings. What is important is not to avoid killing other creatures at all, because that's impossible, but to find the way to cause the less posible sufering to them in our search for food.

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