Thursday, August 7, 2008

Adolescents Out of Control

It is not a new fact that adolescents are out of control nowadays. But what causes this? There must be something that takes them to that state in which their violent behaviour appears.
Some adolescents overreact to low marks that they get in school, and they do it against adults. The problem is not what might happen then, but how to control them, or in better words, how to help them.
Specialists on the topic say that the violent behaviour is acquired at home. To many sociologists and pshycologists who deal with adolescents out of control, such behaviour is not the result of having bad frienships, or watching violent scenes on TV. We inherit most part of our behaviour patterns and our personality is formed out of those inherited characteristics. Taking into account this, no other thing can be done with those adolescents than helping them to rebuild their personality. We need to help them to substitute those bad patterns with better ones. And this should be done with a profesionalist, and of course, family must help.
To lose control and to fly into a rage is likely to occur after a lot of simulated tolerance, hidden pains and having suffered any kind of humilliation; these means, violence is the result of unsolved social problems. And to deal with violents reactions with more violence is an easy, but incorrect choice. Afection and sensitivness towards those adolescents who react with violence are the key to solve the problem.
Parents who are rude and strict with their adolescents sons and daughters, contribute negatively to their future behaviour and social development. And so do those who do not check their children school development or do not just ask them “how was school today?”. This attitudes are perceived by children as indiference towards them, and this has very dramatic consequences.
If parents do not get involved in their children’s lives, to try to do it latter may be extremely difficult and even traumatic for an adolescent. Parents must show interest for their children, they must show it to them, because they need it, and they are requesting it with all that violent behaviour they have.

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