Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Journal: Oriental Trend

To meditate belongs to an inner part of the human behavior. And the practice of meditation really has a lot of benefits. The problem is that we live in hard times for meditation. The ability of reflecting on something is nowadays surpassed by the power of action and rapid determination to come up with solutions. We don't give our minds time to think or time to digest the information that flows into our brains. We seek for quick answers to everything. And at the same time we don't reflect about ourselves and about our emotional state. We don't even know wether we are really happy or not because we don't slow down and wonder about that. Our lives consist only just of eating, working and sleeping. And there's no room for meditating and for the peace that silence can bring to us. Silence is shut up by noise.
Due to the trend created by several oriental methodogies applied to medicine, cosmetic therapies and cooking, meditation has found a door open to enter in our daily lives. And this door is found through the practise of Yoga, which saves the lack of interest in meditating that grew in people as a result of modernization and globalazation. Is important to mention first that Yoga is any methodology which by practising it, the person can reach the state of being hyperconscious. This is known as "samandhi". But samandhi goes far beyond meditation. And to reach it, a biological methamorfosis of the personal structure is needed. And this requires time and health. In simple words, to find yourself able to do that implies practising the discipline in a strict way and through many years.
For this reason , most of the people is not interest in that state but in practising Yoga in a more relaxed way, especially in the Occident. They just do it as part of a physical training which offers them important advantages. Yoga teaches people how to breath better and relax, how to make muscles work, and it is beneficial for the blood stream and the nerves. There are also more other positive effects that Yoga leaves on people's body and health such as flexibility, strenght and an increased vitality. All this results are felt rapidly and achieved through beautiful exercises which respect the biological rythm of every person.
Beside of being a fashion trend nowadays, to practise Yoga and to meditate are highly profitable for the human body and mind. They are an invitation to find our internal peace and balance. To stop our brains from a useless rush of thoughts. To stop running and to fill us with good vibrations.

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