Sunday, October 26, 2008

Be responsible for your pet

Whether your dog is just a puppy or well into adulthood, there are many things you, as a pet owner, need to be aware of. Training your dog is an important in teaching him obedience. All dogs - no matter how old - need some form of training so that they can be easily handled in all situations. Basic training or obedience classes will help you to build a bond and learn to control your dog. There are many reasons for training your dog. Training allows the dog to understand your expectations, helps him become calmer and more relaxed in all situations, in new places, and with new people and makes him easier to manage. Unfortunately, many pets owners do not understand the importance of their dogs’ lack of training and out-of-control behavior.Because dogs thrive in packs and are naturally social, once they come to your home, they expect you to be the leader. Training your dog appropriately with a few highly effective dog training tips teaches him to follow you, understand your necessary commands, and learn to accept his place in your "pack." In the end, your pet will be a well-behaved, functioning member of your family.
It is your responsibility to be aware and responsible for your pet - your dog relies on you to take care of him at all times. Providing him with a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and one-on-one training will ensure that he has a long, healthy, and happy life with you. Don't leave his behavior up to chance. Assume control as leader of your pack and your dog will look to you in all situations that may arise. You are the best person when it comes to training your dog - he trusts you, after all. More importantly, training your dog will keep him safe and protected, which is something all dog owners should want.

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