Thursday, May 10, 2007

Journal: Positively Positive

I admire people who think positively. This sort of persons never seem to feel exhausted about the ups and down of their lives. Because, in fact, their lives do have those wave movements, as mine. By they are not affected by them, dramatically. For these peolple, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.
I really believed the optimistic people have much more chances to succed in life than those who make too much trouble of nothing. The reason for this, is simply; "positive" people emanate good vibrations and these vibrations tend to atract succes to people's life. This is the way in which optimistic people can become succesful rapidly, without too much effort.
On the other hand, people who are pesimist suffer a lot. And they need double effort in order to achieve their objectives in life. My qustion is: It's a matter of personality or it's about choosing a position in front of life? Seeking for an answer, I always try to keep my self close to positivism, but as regarding my personality, I'm not that sort of person. As for me, succes and positivism are closely related, I will like to "convert" then. I would like to take a positive attitude and established it as a way of life.
I believe that positivism is a path you may choose. And in my personal experience, this is a path that I would recomend, because I have seen the benefits of it, many times.
From little succes that nutures every day's life to the achievemnet of very difficult goals, beside effort, harwork and patience, the path you need to follow in order to obtain them, is widely connected to positivism. And in this same way, solution to problems can also arise easily. It's a matter of living life in a more relaxed and optimistic way.

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