Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Journal: The 25th Anniversary of The Falklands War

This year, on June 14th, we conmemorated the 25th anniversary of the militar defeat of the Argentinian troops in the Falklands, which arose after only 45 days of warlike conflict. 74 days before the end of tha war, the militar government which run our country by those times decided to win back the Islands by force. And the consequences of fighting for those territories which were under Britain's power since the 19th century, were really dramatic for Argentina, and still are.
That 14 of June of 1982 was the end of a war faught with disparity as regarding militar forces. Argentina's troop didnt't have the preparation in what refers to the war strategy that is needed to assume such a reponsibility. And what is even worse is that the possible reactions of the main world powers were not took into account by our government.That is to say that not even were proposals about the diplomat alternatives which would have help us to avoid the war.
It is also truth that Britain was determined to fight for the Falklands and as well as Argentina, they didn't pay attention to the international petitions of finding a pacific way out which would have solved the conflict.
Those mistakes and the decision taken by Argentina of confronting a battle under inferior conditions, were the path to that bloody war over the Islands. And the only remarkable thing of it, is the bravery of our soldiers as well as the professional capacity and courage of our pilots. They are the reason why we will never forget that Argentina left there, spread trough the South Atlantic, 650 heroes.
After the end of the war, Argentina went back to a Democratic type of government and to the policy which undestands the pacific solution of international conflicts as the only way to defend the national interest. Together whith those changes, came also the constantly fight for our sovereignity over the Falklands. 25 years after the militar battle over the Malvinas, is time to continue the talks with Britain, which were once unfairy interrupted by a tragic war.

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