Monday, April 21, 2008


Happiness is for me a state, maybe one of the most dificult to reach in life and well-known for not lasting forever. It would be great to make of it a permanent way of life but specialists often say that in life not everything is happiness. This state tends to be naturally quieted by moments of some feelings contrary to it.
In my personal life what brings happiness to me, is freedom. The freedom of being onself without restricition is more than a human right to me. It's what helps us to satisfy our need of happiness in life.
What happiness is to us can vary from person to person. You can find joy in something that someone else can find boring. And at the same time what entertains others can appear not interesting to you. For this reason, the only way in which we can be really happy is through the freedom of choosing from all the options in life, the one that really matches us.
To have the opportunity of choosing is the key to happiness, then. Through it we can follow the way we want to. And that opportunity can not have other consequence than making us feel well. To be free enables us to be loyal to our thoughts and to our ideas, and even to our likes and dislikes. Without the chance of choosing, we are restricted. We turn into controlled beings. And then is when happiness situates far from us.

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