Author: Tara Parker-Pope
Date of Publication: December 1, 2008
Gabriela Garcia Fernandez.

The experiment lasted 3 years because that is the amount of time it takes to have a breeding animal certifictaed organic by the Department of Agriculture.
Among the challenges that the experiment represented for Dr. Greene, to find organic food to eat was the most difficult one. Sometimes he dind't find organic food at all.
Dr. Greene experiment offered a new insight into the organic food industry. One of his most important discoveries was the fact that consumers can pay twice as much for organic food as for conventional products and to cut back the cost of an organic diet Dr. Greene said that consumers have to cut back on meat.
Dr. Greene took the experiment after wondering if becoming 100 percent organic might improve his own health. Three years later he says he has more energy and wakes up earlier, and he's rarely ill. All these benefits are proved to be the result of having eaten more vitamins and nutrients.
Alongside with his experiment, he proposed a consciuos rise about what organic food means, since he also discovered that few people know about it. In simple words, he explained that organic food means without pesticides, antibiotics or hormones.
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