Saturday, February 21, 2009

Review: Global Warming, we should act quickly.

Tittle of the Article: We have only four years left to act on climate change - America has to lead.

Author: Robin Mckie.
Date of Publication: 18 January, 2009

Gabriela Garcia Fernandez.

Jim Hansen, director of Nasa's Institute for Space Studies, is a distinguished climatologist who believes that the world's future generations are threatened by a global greenhouse catastrophe. As many other specialists on the field, Hansen points out the carbon dioxide emissions that derive from industry and transport as the main causes of the problem.
The US climatologist explained that the country new president, Barak Obama, has in his hands the last chance to save the world from the climate catastrophe. He says that humans have only four years left to save the world from melted sea caps, flooded cities, species extintion and spreading deserts.
The former president of the US, George Bush, didn't participate so much in the wolrd's attempts to stop carbon dioxide emissions, moreover, he didin't sing the Kyoto Climate Treaty. For Jim Hansen, Obama's first duty is to counteract the mistakes that the Bush administration did as regarding climate change in the past. He believes that the best option to start solving the problem of the carbon dioxide emissions will be a carbon tax, imposed to the world through political preassure. This will raise the prices of fuel across the world making the use ñless attractive.This should also be accompained with programs for bilding wind, solar and renewable energy plants.
The British administration banded Jim Hansen for the declarations he gave about climate change and the announcementshe gave on radio and TV warning the population about the issue. However, most of his reserches gave accurate information and now it is proved that he was right about climate change.
In 1998 he announced that global warming is to blame for the weather change and he persisted with this warning over time. In 2005, he confirmed that carbon emissions are the main cause of global warming, and in this time the White House banned him because of that declaration.
Hansen has recently sent a letter to the actual goverment authorities of the US, Germany and the UK, countries which are responsible for most of the atmosphere carbon dioxide, asking them to join in the fight against of global warming, but unfortunately he is still waiting for an answer.

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