Saturday, February 21, 2009

Review: Men And Women Change Roles Due To Recession

Tittle of the Article: As Layoffs Surge, Women May Pass Men In Job Forces
Author: Catherine Rampell
Date of Publication: February 5, 2009

Gabriela Garcia Fernandez.

The recession that the US is experiencing in the post war era has left the country with more women employed that men, being the mayority of employers women for the first time in American history.
This is simple because women tend to be employed in areas which suffer less the ups and downs of the country's economy, such as education and health care. However, a study has revealed that women are less capable of being breadwinners. It is a fact that women have more permanent jobs than men but at the same time women also occupy the mayority of half time jobs with no health or unemployed insurance. These types of jobs have a lower salary than the average salary of men who generally work full time and in better conditions Even in full time jobs women are payed less than men.
Due to the recession women represent the 47.1 % of the work force in America and most people who loss their jobs were men. The problem is that despite women may be saffer in their jobs they find it very difficult to support a family.
To this situation women add the reality that they are also householders. They do most of the housework being employed or not. Husbands do lees work at home than wives, despite if they do have a job or not and this is the result of the way in which housework has been traditionally organized. And even if nowadays it is common for women to work outside home it is not so common for men to do the housework.
The recession the US is undergoing has put pressure on the roles of men and women and being more men unemployed than women has push husbands to help their wives with the house duty while women work outside.

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