Thursday, October 25, 2007

Utopian Happiness

Many years ago, a reknown actor from our country, during the role he performed in a movie, had to give opinions about Argentina. He said: " Argentina is not a country, is a trap. The trick is that they make you believe that it can change. And actually, you start to feel that it can change, you fell the change coming, but in the end, it is just an Utopia. Because this country has no future, and this, wont change. This is a country which is constantly plundered and the ones who dare to do that to us, wont let us have a future. Some peolpe die, others are betrayed, and in the end....they say we are all equally guilty for what we have".
This view of Argentina, despite of being quite old, has lots of similarities with the actual reality of our country. Such movie was shot in 1997, but the words of its scripts which described our reality of those times, still have lot of meaning for many of us.
Most of our middle social class have not succeded yet in healing the injuries that the crisis of 2001 caused. That class continues to be pauper, as it became after the crude political and economical national crisis that we underwent in that year. In that same way, most of the professionals we have, have not yet found the better job opportunity which could encourage them to came back to the country. And we still hear the common advice in the streets: "Don't miss the chance to go abroad if it appears in front of you! Leave if you have the chance!".
And they still steal....and what is even worse is that they dare to say that we are already managing to succede as a country. They say that the dramatic times have already passed. The say that, eventhough, so many little things have changed since then. And I am not being pesimist, I appreciate those changes, but they are to small, to few, to fill me with hope....
Sometimes I think that this is all just a bad dream. A nightmare from which we will some day wake up. I convince myself (or let myself being convinced by them) that "it can change. And actually, I start to fell that it can change. And I fell the cahnge coming and, that in the end....."
.....the dream will have a happy ending this time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gen Control

The topic is trivial and complicated. Lots of scientists around the world support Gen Control because its many advantages have already been proved. However, there are many others who are really worried about the bussines that is built behind this scientific practise.
Gen control has provoke a great deal of debate, in the centre of which we can find issues such as the controversial ethic side of manipulating genes and the lack of laws that control it. The ones who are already taking advantage of genetic engineering, support it under the belief which presents it as a beneficial practise that allows the prevention of posible future diseases. Private laboratories refer then to genetc prevention as a kind of service that they can offer to the community. They argue that most diseases like Diabetes, Alzheimer and Parkinson have a genetic component which can be detected in the DNA contained inside a human cell. For them, parents have the chance to use gentic methods of prevention, which will remove the cells affected with those components, and in this way, guarantee that they will have a healthy child.
To worry abaout your children's future, is reasonable. But there are times in which this line is transpassed, and superficial issues start to appear as good reasons for some parents to let ambicious and non-ethic scientists manipulate their babies' genes. The genetic code not only controls how each living thing will develope. This units of our body are also responsable for the physical characteristics that a future being will have. In the developmnet of the study of how different characteristics are passed from each generation of living things to the next, Genetics has found the way to control the units inside the cells which are responsable for the particular qualities that we inherint from our parents. For example, a genetist is capable of modifying the genes that code for the colour of a baby's eyes and chose the option that answers the petition of the child's parents. And is precisely this kind of genetic practise which is developing into an anti-moral sort of bussines in which scientists play God and children are born with having been first ask to be as their parents asked.
To imaging parents doing so has nothing to do with the prevention of diseases and the posibility of improving our children future quality of life. These are two extremes which make Gen control such a burning issue. From conservative parts of societies and religious groups up to governmets and Human Rights organazations , the debate appears among everybody and almost everywhere. Moral and ethic issues are believed to be enemies for those scientists. And how much Gen Control will develop depends not only on society approval but also on the professional ambicions of those gentists who do not fear to take risk and are willing to go beyond whatever is expected from them.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Journal: Global Cities

A museum situatted in the city of London presented recently a photographs' exhibition called "Global Cities". The aim of it was to analize the differences and similarities of the big cities around the world and to evaluate their effects over nature and life quality.
The ehibition was intended to show the relionship between architecture and society. In order to do this, the researchers and artists took into account information provided by sociologists, the results of sudies related to population density and the development of modern art expressions. Their starting point, was the fact, that nowadays 90% of the world population is believed to live in cities, while last century that was the reality of only a 10% of the peolpe around the world, and that it is estimated that this percentage will rise to 75 by the year 2050.
The exhibition made many peolpe reflected on the rapid growing of cities which undoubtedly is starting to affect the social and psychological structure of the people who inhabitate them.
As regarding the placement of most of the cities, people who participate on the exhibition explained that this is related to geographical factors such as mountains and rivers, but it couldn't be denied that it is also related to different social, economical and cultural systems, which have historically influenced in the construction of the cities.
On the other hand, population density, appears in the centre of the debates about the future of the cities. However, this factor does not have a direct impact on people's life quality because design, open spaces and tranasport can been used to compensate the posible bad effects of the high number of inhabitants.
As regarding population diversity, this was understood as a normal ethnic an racial componet of the cities life, although it was also associated with economical and educational disparities.
The exhibition dealt with many interest issues related to cities growing but more than just an art exhibition in had a quite valuable educational and informative aim. It was not also an interesting artistic expression but it also made peolpe conscious about an aspect of our reality that, in most times, is not taked into accout seriously. The growing of the world population and the unplanned way in which many cities are becoming bigger should not only be an artistic issue but a problem than citizens and goverment should start to consider, before the impacts of it end up damaging our quality of life in dramatic ways.

Journal: The disease of violence

Thinking about violence as a disease may be not quite common, but it is a thought that has been supported by many sociologists and psychologists. For them, violence is a highly contagious social disease that causes emotional, psychological and physical damage and turns a peaceful person into a hostile one.
The essence of violence is hatred, anger, rage, and the desire of revenge, all caused by an act of wrongful violence internalized by the victim that suffers from this disease. When we allow ourselves to be filled with these emotions in response to a violent attack, they allow the attacker to do more than just cause physical injuries. The attacker then does emotional and psychological damage as well. He or she has destroy the victim's sense of inner tranquility and stability and this type of destruction generally remains long after the physical injuries healed.
The feeling of violence is the self-inflicted destruction of one's inner peace and undoubtedly violence generates more violence. It is a contagious feeling that can be passed to the others as a felling of no sympathy for the victim. Morevor, a violent victim may seek for revenge against the original perpetrator and can be tempted to take out that anger on family members and friends when emotional situations trigger the violent condition.
Violent people do not have ample social skills to resolve differences peacefully. And everytime a person commits a violent act, the attacker not only causes damage to the victim but becomes a more violent person as well. Every act of violence, whatever its nature, makes the perpetrator more violent. And the contagious nature of violence is capable of infecting the morally rightous of all sort of people, from a police officer, to a petty offender.
If we can treat violence as a disease, we sholud also try to find a cure for it or al least, promote its prevention. Before seending a message at grate scale to the whole world, we should start to treat violence from orselves, individually. A productive way to react to an act of violence is to have the courage to resist the normal impulse for revenge and punishment and to refrain from allowing anger, hatred, rage and vengeance to destroy one's inner peace. What we need to do, is to have a peacefull attitude towards violence itself.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Journal: The Market of Human Life

That human life does not have a price is not what the creators of the "" web site think. Whoever enters that site and answer an extensive quIz is able to know how much their life costs. It is estimated that there are already 5 million peolpe who have registered themselves in that web page. It may sound funny but at the same time this situation can be understood as a symptom of the weak kind of human relationships that seem to be on top in our times. It is surprising that there is people who feel that they can set the price of another human life, and what is even worst is that there is people who admit being treat like that.
The common tipe of human relationship that it is impossing nowadays, is the one in which the other person is just an object, a medium to reach a goal. And this is ocurring in all type of situaions. For example, there is people who believe that paying a salary means to own somebody's life. And in this way they feel that they have rights over that employee's time, health and even dreams...There are others who think that granting a favor to a friend is paying for that person's loyalty....And of course, this siuations exist because there's people who agreed with them and accept to be under those circumstances.
When the complex network of the human relationships is broken, sympathy, solidarity, cooperation and compasion are lost. And then, human beings are not longer joined together by a responsible and sensitive kind of link. But just for the prices that we put ourselves one to another. Our relationships have then no more affection but an economical value. And this situation makes human life itself to become a superficial fact.
Any price that a human life gets, is low. Because human life is invaluable. To give to it another sense, to connect it with things that lead us to a better world, and to remember that our lives need to be nutured by the relationship with other lives is necessary to start leaving from the human market in which we are.
When we put a price to another person, we are accepting that our own life also has a price, and this is to dehumanize us. Life don't have a price, it has value, an that's a quite different thing.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Corpus like satellite image of word usage

Tittle: Corpus like satellite image of word usage.
Date of Publication: Wednesday, August 1, 2007.
Author: Erin Mckean (The nwe York Times).


- Thesaurus: noun, a book that is like a dictionary but in which the words are arranged in groups that have similar meanings.
- Coleslaw: noun, finely chopped pieces of raw cabbage, carrot, onion, mixed with mayonnaise and eaten with meat and salads.
- Facetious: adjective, trying to appear amusing and intelligent at a time when other peolpe do not think it is appropriate, and when it would be better to be serious.
- Mother Lode: noun, a very rich source of gold, silver, etc, in a mine.
- Chide: verb, formal, to criticize or blame somebody because they have done something wrong.
- Lambaste: verb, formal, to attack somebody or criticize somebody very severelly, especially in public.
- Edible: adjective, fit or suitable to be eaten, not poisonous.
- Coerce: verb, formal, to force somebody7 to do something by using threats.

Main ideas:

- A corpus is like a photograph of the language.
- A corpus makes patterns in language more visible.
- The Oxford English Corpus is the mother lode of such insights of language.
- It is compliled from 32,000 different sources, all published since 2000, representing English from all over the world.
- It is a marvellous playground for those who love to explore language.
- The corpus shows how some words literal senses are losing ground to more figuratives ones.
- Information from the corpus gives hints about why peolpe use a certain word.
- Occasionally, consulting the corpus shows unfortunate patterns, not just for a word but in the wrold.
- By using the cropus to show patterns in language that are not visible to the naked eye, we come to a better understanding of our language and ourselves.
- Lexigraphers communicate that new understanding through better dictionary and thesaurus entries, one that more accurately reflects what words means and how they are used.

Personal Reaction:

With any doubt, a corpus is a magnificent database about language usage. It goes beyond the literal meaning of words to the social connotation that they have and the use that peolpe give to them.
From a semantic perspective we can say that language is not a steady fixed system. It changes as time goes by and the human race develops. Language addopts the social frames of each time in history and serves for the purpose of communication in an extremely modifiable way. Some aspects of the meaning of words are modified to cope with the necessities of people in language terms. As new words are coined into the language, the ones that already exist suffer variations in their meaning and usage according to the context in whch they are used and to the purposes for which they are used.
That a corpu can register all this fascinating changes in language is admirable. Through it, even our behaviour can be analyzed. The way we speak reflects more than we think. It shows our inner perceptions, our beliefs and ideas. We are what we say...and a corpus can show that!.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Music for nothing and your tracks for free.

Tittle: Music for nothing and your tracks for free.
Date of Publication: July 02, 2007.
Author: Morgan Hamilton.


-Spin: noun, informal, a way of presenting information or a situation in a particular way, especially one that makes you or your ideas seen good.
-Subtle: adjective, often approving, not very noticeable or obvious.
-Spurious: adjective, based on false ideas or ways of thinking. False although seeming to be geniune.
-Scrape the botton of the barrel: idiom, disapproving, to have to use whatever things or people you can get because there is not much choice available.
-Resort: phrasal verb, "resort to something", to make use of something, especially something bad, as a mean of achieving something, often becasue there is no other posible situation.
-Sue: verb, to make a claim against somebody in a court of law about something that they have said or done to harm you.
-Stamp out: phrasal verb, to get rid of something that is bad, unpleasant or dangerous, especially by using force or a lot of effort.

Main Ideas:

-The record industry claims that "illegal downloading" seriuosly threatens the development of music and artists.
-This industry have not published any factual information to support its claim.
-There is information that shows that downloading spends 27% more on music than on legal activity in download sites.
-The UK software house, Remlap Software, suggest that "illegal downloaders" are anything but the thieves the record industry labels them as.
-The term "illegal download" would be defined by most people as an activity which is outlawed under Criminal Law.
-But the Oxford Dictionary merely states that "illegal" is "contrary to the law".
-The difference between the public perception of the definition and the officially recognized version may only be subtle, but it is powerful enough for the record industry to exploit.
-In making people believe that illegal downloading of music is theft, the record industry re-enforces the public perception that such activity is in contrary to criminal law, with all the serious consequences that such an offence implies.
-The truth of the matter is that there is no criminal offence in either the EU or USA of downloading music without paying for it.
-All best, the record industry could claim that "illegal downloading" are a violation of Civil Law but even this would be spurious.
-In desperation, the record industry has scraped the botton of the barrel, and now resorts to suing its own customers.
-But to date, they have not been able to prosecute one case of "illegal downloading".
-In every case, they have sued on the allegation that the defendat has distributed music in violation of copyright.
-The basis of Peer-to Peer network is that users share their music collecton with the rest of the network, and it is that act which is the offence, not what they have downloaded.
-In the effort to force the world to only use Pay-for-music download sites, the record industry has already persuade a number of universities to turn-off Peer-to Peer traffic.
-In respond to this situation, Remlap Software considered that there are probably more mp3 files sitting on the web serves, than there are in all the Peer-to Peer networks put together.
- Clickster, the first legal mp3 downloader, gives acces to over a million individual tracks, all found on Internet web servers and available for download.
-With Clickster clearly navigating around the lastest attemps of the record industry to stamp out what they call "illegal download", the future remains bright.

Personal Reaction:

Two main problems are clearly detected when discussing illegal downloading of music. The first one is the fact that the record industry is the main agent who uploads music on the Interent, generally for prommotion. And in the end, they complain for a situation that they created themselves. And the second one, is the fact of the difficulty that arises when the law has to take into account issues related to technology.
Technology moves fowards quicker than Law. Day by day, new problems appear which are not even mentioned in the Civil Codes of most countries. Not until this types of cases are analyzed by courts of law and not until people involved with the launch of new laws decide on explicit regulations to cope with music piracy, can we determine to what extend is music downloading illegal or not.
In my personal opinion there is no doubt that such activity afects the development of artists and the music industry, for its main consequence is a huge falling of the sells in what refers to albums. But at the same time million of artist grew and continue growing in their careers becasue of the massive advertising that the Internet offers to them.
So, it will take a long time untill all people involved in the uploading and downloading of music come to a final decision in what regards the control of such activities. 'Till then, this will continue to be a trivial topic of discussion and will continue working as it does, just to answer to the personal interest of everyone related to the downloading af music...things will change, when we think on the general interest of the community and on what is better for all of us, no if we keep on thinking in an individual way.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Journal: The Imortal King of Rock an Roll.

At the beginnig of the year 1935, in a small town called Tupelo, a mother gave birth to twin brothers. One of them, called Jessie, died minutes later, the other one, called Elvis started his short but famous life...
At the age of 13, Elvis and his parents had their home in Menphis, Tennessee. This locattion was the place where the life of this boy who had a very humble american way of life was influenced for ever and in a great scale, by music. The sounds of the 40's and 50's, like the gospel music, the blues and the jazz, the country music and the rockabilly situated Elvis Presley inside a musical dream, that he decided to achieved.
Elvis first opportunity of succes arrived when he was 19. A record company called Sun, edited his first two singles. His voice and style started to turned down the socio-racial barriers of those times....Elvis was white, but he sang with the soul of a black man. He adopted the rythm originated in the black american culture and proyected it to the world for the appreciation of all ethnic type of audiences.
Two years later from this beginning, Elvis Presley had already popularized Rock and Roll all around the world. After that, he took part in 33 movies , bated the records in what refers to live presentations and tv shows, sold more than a thousand million albums, was nominated to 13 grammy awards and he finally died under strange cicumstances in the year 1977 at the age of 42. The abuse of drugs and the preassure of his enormous succes are believe to be the causes of the end of his full of excess way of life.
Any way, Elvis death was only a phisical disappearence, though he inmidiatly after it, became the icon of rebeldy, what makes him to be "alive" in a way, even after 30 years of his departure. It is probably a mistery the reason why Elvis could not yet be reduced to the categorie of a simple legendary popular idol. And he undoubtly continue to be a unique phenomenon in what regards all types of millionary sells. If you wonder haw is this posible, let me tell you and anecdote that will clarify this : on Dicember 15, 1956, Elvis gave a presentation in a radio programme at Louisiana. The shouts of the fans where so stronge that it was impossible to detect which song was Elvis and his band performing. This was the day when the famous phrase "Elvis has left the building" saw the light, which was said to the ardent audience when Elvis left the show and the people satrted to leave their seats to follow him all around the place! The phrase became as popular as Elvis worlwide and its used to refer to something that is finally over.... this clerly shows not the reasons, but the fact, that Elvis became the intouchable, unforgetable, inmortal king of rock and roll. And will continue to be seen as that....

Journal: The new generation

The Internet is full of sites related to the interchanging of personal information, in the form of photographs, images and videos. "YouTube" is probaby the most visited of all those types of sites. What you can find there is generally home made videos, amateur photograph productions and all sort of personal information that people would like to publish. Eventhough there are rules to control what users publish, websites allow people to post almost all kind of things. And some of the publications are sometime very shocking. This is the case of the many videos already uplowded in the Internet where teenagers show themselves and their peers in brutal acts of violence, performed against their own classmates and public buildings. The most dramatic ones are the cases of bullying videos, which are shooted all over the wolrd, including Argentina. In those videos you can see how teachers are treated badly by the students, and how other students fall prey and become victims of the most traumatic and cruel types of physical and verbal agression form part of their own classmates.
Last year, en extremelly shocking video of this type saw the light in Italy. In it images of several types of brutality where shown. The images where registered with the video cam of a cell phone and they showed kids between the ages of 12 and 17 attacking teachers, their school building, kids who suffered from disabilities and physical incapaity, and even episodes of sexual aggression.
Those kinds of situations occur also in our country. Some weeks ago, 5 students from a public school recorded themselves while destroying their classroom almost completely. Instead of trying to hide the incident, the protagonist of the video published it on the Internet. The images produced the reaction of their other classmates who confessed that they rejected for not having took part of the shooting and that they feel envy for the 5 who did, because they became famous!.
This is the new generation. They are our future. And this is how our children and teenagers are born and bred. In the confusion between what is right and what is wrong. In a time where there's no family structure anymore due to various reasons, and which leads to the fact that children grow up almost alone. Heavily influenced by the mass media and the consuming society in which we live, our kinds do not have a clear guide to follow in the path of what is really healthy and good for them. Our society have lost it scale of values, or let say that it has changed it drmmatically, placing in first place, superficial interests, like the importance of appearence, succes obtained in a rapid and corrupted way and money. And in this way it permits aggressions of all types in every place. This destroyed the use of common sence, the importance of eductaion, the family and the taditional values, and as a result it destroys our future also, because this type of society is damaging very hard the minds of our new generation.

Solar activity 'not the cause of global warming

Tittle: Solar activity 'not the cause of global warming.
Date of Publication: 11 July, 2007.
Author: Steve Connor, Science Editor.


- Disprove: verb, to show that something is wrong or false. Opposite: prove.
- U-turn: noun, informal, a complete change in behaviour.
- Counter: combinig form, against, opposite.
- Ascribe: verb, to consider that something is caused by a particular thing or person.
- Swindle: noun, a situation in which somebody uses dishonest or illegal methods in orther to get money from a company, another person, etc.
- Outrage: verb, to make somebody very shocked and angry.

Main Ideas:

- A detailed study of the Sun, revealed that solar activity is not the cause of global warming.
- Scientists have abandoned the theory that global warming can be explained by vaiations of the natural cycle sof the sun.
- An analysis of the records of the Sun's activities shows that since 1985 solar activity has decreased while global warming increased.
- Over the past twenty years the Sun did a U-turn in every respect and has run in the opposite direction to global warming.
- There is considerable evidence for solar influence on Earth's pre industrial climate and the Sun may have been a factor in the post industrial climate change during the 1st half of the last century.
- The theory that past changes in solar activity may have explained some changes in the climate before the Industrial Revolution is not under dispute.
- However, after 1985, the rapid rise in global mean temperatures cannot be ascribed to solar variability.
- Climate sceptics have exploited the old theory to dispute the idea that man-made emissions are responsible for global wraming.
- Recently, a doummentary erroneously presented the rise in solar activity over the latter half of the 20th century as the cause of the rise in global average temperatures.
- Scientist were outrage when they saw the docummentary because it showed graphs of temperature rises and sunspot cycles that were cut off in the 1980's.
- The sceptics are believed to be using the theory of solar activity as the cause of modern-day warming in a misappropriate way and to be bringing the new theory into disrespect.
- The general claim is that there is a small minority which is seeking to confuse the public an the causes of climate change.
- This minority is believed to be misrepresenting the science when the reality is that the evidence of man-made greenhoses gasses as responsible for actual global warming is getting stronger every day.

Personal Reaction:

The position of the ones who object the theory of the sun as not loger responsible for global warming, is a clear evidence of a type of scepticism based on the personal interests of some people in contrast to the general interest of preserving our planet shared by the rest of the world.
There's no other reason than a stronge economical interest from part of those sceptics to show themselves in opposition to what is finally scientific demostrated.
No matter how ridiculous their attitude is or how inappropriate is to continue supporting a theory that was blowed away, for it is evidently more important to make money for those ones, despite the fact that the path they take to do this grately contributes to global warming.
Those sceptics are surely the ones who produce more greenhouse gasses than anybody else in the world.They are the owners, excecutive representatives and business men in charge of the most important and at the same time most contaminating plants, industries and factories of the world, which are the origin of non friendly gasses to our atmosphere, in the form of products of several types and industrial garbage.
Luckily, they are a small group in comparision to the ones that already support the new theories regarding global warming...Soon or later they will have to accept their responsibility in relation to this. The science will keep on demostrating which are the real causes of the problem and there will come the day when the reason of the rise in Earth's mean temperature, will be finally proved to be men pollution, and sceptics will no longer be in the position to discuss that.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Implanting microchips in humans

Tittle: implanting micrchips in humans
Date of Publication: Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Author: Todd Lewan.

- Vault: noun, a room , especially in a bank used for keeping valuable things safe.
- Wondrous: adjective, strange, beautiful and impressive.
- Herd: noun, a group animals of the same type that live and feed together.
- Windshield (AmE): Windscreen (BrE), noun, the window across the front of a motorvehicle.
- Toll: noun, money that you pay to use a particular road or bridge.
- Tire (AmE): Tyre (BrE), noun, a thick rubber ring that fits around the egde of a wheel.
- Excoriate: (formal),verb, to criticize somebody or something.
- Detractor: noun, a person who tries to make somebody, something seen less good or valuable by criticizing it.
- Mistrust: noun, a feeling that you cannot trust somebody or something. suspicious.
- Savvy: (informal), adjective, having a practical knowledge and understanding of something, having a common sense: tech-savvy.
- Rig: verb, to fit equipment somewhere.
- Reader: noun, an electronic device that reads data stored in one form and changes it into another form so that a computer can perform operations on it.
- Surreptitious: adjective, done secretly or quickly.
- Livingwill: noun, a document stating your wishes concerning medical treatment in the case that you become so ill that you can no longer make decisions about it, in particular asking doctors to stop treating you and let you die.

Main Ideas:
- Two employees of City, a provider of surveillance equipment, had glass-encapsulated microchips embedded in their forearms.
- The chipping of the two workers was a way of resctricting access to vaults that held sesitive data, images for police departments, security key cards, and clearance codes.
- For the chief executive of the company this is a sophisticated technique to protect high-end secure data.
- The news fired up a debate over the proliferaton of technologies that erode privacy in digital age.
- To some people, the microchip was a wondrous invention, to others the notion of tagging people was Orwellian.
- To these critics, chipping might start with Alzheiemer's patients but would eventually be suggested for convicts, sex offenders, illegal aliens, etc. until one day a majority of Americans would find themselves electronically tagged.
- 30 years ago the first electronic tags were fixed to cattle to track herds' reproductive and eating habits.
- In the 1990s, millions of chips were implanted in livestock, fish, pets and even racehorses.
- Microchips are now fixed to car screenshields as a toll-paying device and embedded in tires, library books and passports.
- The city executive said his employees volunteered to be chipped.
- Civil libertarians and Christian conservatives joined to excoriate the microchip's implantation in people.
- Some critics saw the implants as a fullmiment of a biblical prophecy that describes an age in which humans are forced to take "the mark of the beast" with them.
- Others saw it as a step towards a Big Brother society.
- In desing the tag are simple and implantation are quick procedures, but microchips cannot be easily and painlessly removed.
- A physician got chipped so that if he had an accident doctors could identify him and access to his medical history quickly.
- This is seen by people as a loss of anonymity.
- Microchip proponents and detractors agree that Americans' mistrust of microchip and technology runs deep.
- Among many cons of microchips, spoofing is one of them: thieves pluck people's ID out of their arms with their own readers.
- (Florida), the company that makes implantable microchips, concedes that it is a problem.
- Scott Silverman, the chief executive of that company, says that to grab information from radio frecuency products with a scanning device is not hard to do.
- Verichip has sold 7,000 microchips worlwide of which about 2,000 have been implanted in humans.
- The company is present tagging of diabetics patients, people with heart conditions or Alzheimer.
- In an emergency, hospital staff could wave a reader over the patient's arm get an ID number and via Internet, enter a data base and pull up the person's identity and medical history.
- Some wonder why they should abandon non-invasive tags such as medic bracelets.
- Silverman responds that an implanted chip is guaranteed to be always with you.
- The company charges $20 a year for customers to keep on its database a record of blood type, allergies, medications, driver license data and living will directives, and $80 to keep an individual's full medical history.

Personal Reaction:
In my opinion, tagging people with microchips can be harmful depending on the use of them. If laws allow to "mark" delincuents as a way to control them in their re-insertation in society, I think that such policies could be quite a benefit, especially for the rest of the community. The same ocuurs with patients which are at a constant risk, because the quick acces of the hospital stuff to their medical history can save the patients'lives. As regarding employees, to embed them with microchips is a meassure that the companies should only be allowded to take with the approval of the workers that will have the chips on their arms.
The problem may arise when peoples'ID is in danger because they can be stolen with a scan which reads the microchips'information. To solve this, companies involved in the production of microchips for human should provide their customers with security meassures and contract which assure them that their identity will be safely kept on a data base. This type of contracts can relife people from those kind of fears.
To enter into an advanced technological age has it cons and pros and companies and governmets should work together to find the ways to keep the balance between what is right and what is wrong as regarding the use of technology. And to what refers to microchips they should find the way to assure society that such technology will be used for the improvement of peoples'life, in advanced, before such devices are released into the market.

Monday, August 27, 2007

US House votes ethics rules

Tittle : Us House votes tougher ethics rules
Source: (The World)
Date of publication: Wednesday, August 1, 2007


- provisions: a condition or an agreement in a legal document.
- disclosure: (formal) the act of making something known or public that was previously secret.
- pet: that you are very interested in: pet project.
- lobby: to try to influence a politician or the government and persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law.
- aide: a person who helps another person, especially a politician in their job.
- earmarks: to decide that something will be used for a particular purpose, or to state that something will happen to somebody or someting in the future.
- dole (dole something out): to give out an amount of food, money, etc. to a number of people in a group.
- peddle: influence-peddling scandals: to spread an idea or story in order to get people to accept it.

Main Ideas:
- The US House of Representatives approved legislation to toughen congressional ethics and lobbying rules and laws.
- Previsions require disclosure of projects slipped into masive spending measures, prhibit pensions to lawmakers convicted of bribery and disclosure of campaign domations lobbyists.
- The House passed the meassure and sent it to the Senate.
- A number of Senate Republicans have complained the meassure does not go far enough but a Senate aide said most Republicans appear to support it.
- Advocacy groups have urged its passage and President G. Bush is expected to sign the legislation into law.
- What Democrats denounced as a Republican culture of corruption in Congress was a major factor in last year's congresional elections.
- Republican Reps.Bob Ney (Ohio) and Randy Duke Cunningham (California) were convicted to bribery.
- But problems were not confined only to Republicans, democratic Rep. Willian Jeferson (Lousiana) was disclosure of an expansion of pet projects placed in big spending bills.
- The bill would require that all earmarks be identified on the Internet before final congressional passage so that they could be challenged.
- The measure would also prohibit lobbyist paid parties in their honour and prohibit lobbyist from providing members gifts.

Personal Reaction:

Democratic leader Stengy Hoyer (Maryland) declared that "the Congress that was elected last November is pledging to clean up the culture of corruption". To believe that this is what is actually happening may be quite difficult for American citizens taking into account that there have been many cases that involved members of the Congress in bribery. And that the US House votes tougher ethic rules is just one first step necessary to stop any wrong doing from part of its members.
This step should have been taken long time ago. Maybe is not casual that the legislation is passed to the Congress during these days, because the US is preparing for next year elections. Democrats won power recently because a spate of mostly Republican scandal took place. And the dispute among the two parties is for sure going to rise stronger as the next year elections come closer.
Despite of what an electional atmosphere can cause whithin politicians and their campaigns, ethic rules should be impossed in every government. Competition has got quite inside the political world, everywhere, and laws should start to affect them. This first step to end up with the mentioned problem is the first step to a possible solution, which can probably deal with the actual political reality that make most of people fell very discoraged towars it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fashion for size zero

Tittle: Fashion for size zero fules rise in eating disorders among models
Date of Publication: 06 july 2007
Author: Thair Shaik

- conceal: verb,formal, to hide something or somebody.
- enquiry: noun, an official process to find out the cause of something or to find out information about something.
- binge: noun, informal, a short period of time when you do too much of a particular activity, especially eating and drinking alcohol.
- catwalk: noun, the long stage that models walk on during a fashion show.
- full: verb, to increase something, to make something stronger.
- purge: verb, to make yourself, somebody, something pure, healthy or clean by getting rid of something bad, bad thoughts or bad feelings.
- drop dead: verb, informal, to die suddenly and unexpectedly.
- light-street: noun, the main street of a town where most shops, store, banks, etc, are.
- interim: adjective, intended to last for only a short time until somebody or something more permanente is found.

Main Ideas:
- The fashion industry's obssesion with size zero could de driving an increase in eating disorders among models.
- A report by The Model Health Inquiry said that known cases of anorexia could de just the "tip of an iceberg".
- A psychiatrist who worked in the report said that girls with anorexia are more prominent but there's a much bigger group with bulimia.
- The Independent Inquiry was set up to investigate the preasure an models to be extremely thin.
- It follows the death of three South American models, apparently from malnutrition related to eating disorders.
- The controversy surrounding zero-sized models intensified with the fashion industry in Milan and Madrid barring them during their high-profile fashion weeks.
- Some well known high-street chains said they will use "normal" sized women to advertise their clothes.
- A doctor who has been asked to give talks to modeling agencies about the issue said that the model population is at risk.
- For her the solution is not to ban size-zero but train model agency bookers to look for signs of eating disorders.
- Bulimia, medically known as bulimia nervosa is marked by cycles of eating excessive quantities of food followed by purging using self-induced vomiting, laxatives and diuretics.
- The repeated vomiting may cause burns to the oesophagus, dehydration and chemical imbalances in the blood.

Personal Reaction:

In the last decades we have seen cases of models who drop dead as a result of eating disorders. At the same time we have been bombarded with campaigns and health advertising about bulimia and anorexia.
Health organizations have worked together with governments and also with modelling agencies to aware the population about the symptons and prevention of eating disorders. Besides models, which are believed to be the most vulnerable ones, population in general, especially teenagers are awared about these diseases worldwide.
The problem seems to be that all attemps to give final solution to this situation appear to fail. Every year, cases of dramatic deaths within the fashion industry are known.
Recently, the baning of size-zero was introduced as a policy in many countries. This idea is totally accurated taken into account that it is supported by the World Health Organization. To have a size zero means that the mass index of your body is under the normal levels.
I find very interesting the idea of accompaning this policy with campaigns to make the agency bookers able to recognize eating disorders in models. And if teenagers and models are kept safe from the preasure of being extremely thin, the whole situation may possible reach a solution.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Journal: The right of privacy on the Internet.

The purpose of this report is to deal with one of the main concerns of people as regarding everybody's right to privacy. This right, is unfortunatelly loosing space in our life and it is principally threaten by the advances of technology. Within them, the one which can go against our privacy the most, is the use of Internet.
From opennig a new e-mail account to register in a web page, we are almost always ask for information while surfing the Net. It is well known that for many type of Internet working people are allowd to use a nick name but for many others your real identity must necessarily be revealed. It would appear that all your personal infromation is safely manipulated although it has been proved that any common hacker can have acces to it. This would mean that everything you post on the Internet can be read by others. And to do this, does not imply too much effort or the need of high technological backgroung knowledge by the ones who spend time on computers to look at data without permission.
One of the main issues arises when you are ask for example, your credit card number. Using the Internet to buy and sell things have increasily become a current way of trading. And almost all the companies which commercialize through the Internet ask you for personal information which must necessarily be truth. The majority of them assures you that everything would be kept in privacy but it has been recently proved how much easier is the Internet making the work of bank account's theaves.
Action has been taken to deal with these kind of problems. There are policies and laws in existance which main concern is to prevent hackers' work. The problem is that as well as new measures arise, new technology advances arises too, providing Internet theaves with new tools and ways of stealing. So unforutunatelly, we would appear to be in front of a non-stopping problem. There is a consensus of opinion regarding the necessity of greater personal information protection from part of the companies which ask you for data. First of all they should be requested by law to increase security acces to their data basis as well as leave crucial information such as ID number, credit card number and account information to be ask to their customers in a more personal way. Maybe by phone, or even face to face.
Considerations should be given to this problem so as to provide Internet users a more safe feeling towards it. Government and Internet companies should work together on this. They must find the way to reach to the introduction of greater controls on the use of Internet that can endager privacy, and stricter laws against the stealing of private infromation through it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Journal: Benefits from technology

The possibility of working from home, used to be a sort of Utopia. For many people, it used to be an impossible thing. But many of the new technological advances have cope with this succesfully. Internet, for example openned to us the possibility of working without having to leave our houses.
A recent research has shown that, in our country, the number of teleworkers has increased and that the mayority of them are independant workers. Most of the ones involved in this activity of working from their place of living are, in Argentina, language translators, arquithects, lawyers, accountants, journalists and there are also among them scientific investigators of many fields. All of them, are examples of peolpe who have made of their own houses their place of work by means of a computer and the Internet, which they use to communicate with their officies, secretaries colleagues and customers.
Teleworking is then, a sort of revolution generated from what technology offers to us nowadays. This activity arise independently from Internet but it was precisely the Internet which made possible the faster grow of this type or work in the last 5 years. By analyzing the situation from this point of view, we are in front of an advantage of Internet which can be mention within all the many others advantages of it.
It is also well known that there are lots of real situations that led to a paranoid attitude towards thecnology and especially the Internet, from part of society. Of course, we cannot denay that they can be harmful if they are used in the wrong way, but we should finally accept that thecnology is here to remain. And that it will continue growing and moving foward.
We should take the best out of tecnological advance and use it in our favour. Because it is us who controll and command it, and not the other way round. It is us who switch on and off the buttons, depending on our interests. We shouldn't be afraid of technology and we should just give us the chance to learn to use it properly and, most important, to teach this to our youngs and children.
Thecnology offers us many, many benefits. The case of teleworking is just one example. There are lots of cases like this. And we should open to those benefits maybe as a way to compensate the wrong uses of thecnology that leave to divided opinions about it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Journal: Another hit of Global Warming

Some weeks ago, a massive emergency operation started to take place in Great Britain in order to deal with the greatest floods of the last 60 years over that area. The west and central part of England were the most affected parts, which were left under the water after 3 days of constant rains. The photographs that appeared in the newspapers and the Internet showed to the world the dramatic situation that the country is suffering. A photo of the centre part of England, for example, showed how it appears to be a lake by these days, because houses and streets are completely under the water.
The main issue, among many others that were included in the emergency operation, deals with the lack of drinkable water. It is estimated that 400.000 people, approximately, were left without this resourse after the floods, and the government is doing it best to cope with this problem. The Army handed in bottles of water to the population and dispensers were placed in public areas, but these meassures seem to be not enough.
the problematic situation of the floods was the result of an overflow of the rivers that cross the national territory. Although barricades were place all over the rivers' banks, the government failed in preventing the water to flow into the city. Hundred of people suffer material loss because water affected their houses. And specialists on the field estimate that the economic loss is going to be over the sum of 300 million dollars.
With this dramatic events, Global Wraming shows us, again, the magnitud of its disastrous consequences. With a sort of crazy weather the world is experiencing, with greater force than years ago, all these consequences. While in Great Britain the most important floods in 60 years are taking place, in the east of Europe the sun heat is making the temperature rise over 40 grades. These heat rises, which results are affecting from Hungaria to Italy, have made the mortality rate in those countries to increase a 30 percent. 500 people have already died, and 3000 fires have already been reported.
Europe is giving little steps to solve all this problems and nowadays the seriousness of the situation is not longer under discusion. The importance of dealing against Global Warming was finally accepted, time ago. The fact is that to make population aware of such problem and the attemps to stop it, seem not enough...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Journal: Women where there used to be Men

Politics is though escencially as an area for men. And the fact that there has been little participation of women in its history, tends to reinforce this idea. Argentinian society has a negative view about politics i general, and this view is even more negative when tlking about women in connection to politics.
This is the case for example, of Fabiana Rios. This woman from Rosario is the first governess elected in our country. She is 43 years old and is married since 22. She has two teenager daughters. Although she's a biochemist, she got involved in poitics many years ago. Her political career started by the year 1988 in Tierra del Fuego where she moved because the crountry was going through a crisis that made job oportunities scarce in big cities. Appart from governess, she was also legislator and national representative.
One of the things related to this women that caught my attention the most, is the fact that she firmely says that she doesnt want to remain in the history of our country only becasue of being one of the few politicians who are woman, but for making justice more efficiency. At the same time she knows that she is openning a space for every women in our society. And for this reason she's admired by women and consider a hint of hope for many of them. Fourtunatelly, she thinks of the duty of making women visible in our country a sort of debt which was half paid by other women politicians and public figures, and that she wants to continue paying.
But when thinking about the cause of women underestimation within politics and society in general, she strongly believes that most of the time women push themselves to less protagonic positions in life. This means a sort of autolimitation from women to themselves. For her, women assume ourselves to be in a second plane of importance in comparisin to men. She is right in what she bellieves, but the fact is that all this submissive attitudes are doubtless the result of years of living under this type of culture. To support this with examples, have in mind that women have the right to vote since only 50 years ago, more or less. There are still women in our society who spent their youth without this right.. And for cases which involves women, our CIvil Code still has a special treatment.
So, to move away from this type of culture, is a conquest that takes place, but very slowly within the passing of time. The name of Fabiana Rios is another women name to sum to the ones of those who started the shift. She is part of something bigger. She's part of the change.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Journal: Speed Dating

We live in hard times for love and in an era of discard sort of relationships. All this implies a new way of loving, for which new methodologies seem to be necessary. There's no more room for romanticism but there's enough space for ephemeral meetings. And a real proof of this is the new love game called "Speed Dating". The aim of it is to make easier the way in which people meet and and to cope with the difficulties that actually, this task is showing.
The speed dating has it origins in the relationships that grow up from chatting in the Internet and seems to be a way of looking for a lover without being involved in too much troubles or histerical attitudes. The way of playing the game is quite easy. People who is interested on participating register on a web page. Days after they receive an e-mail which details a locattion, generalyl a bar, and a day and time for a date. Following these directions, ten men and ten women are called to participate. In the bar they have only 8 minutes to talk directly and privately with each other participant of the opposite sex. They are supposed to follow the natural rutine of meeting somebody for the first time, which includes to intoduce themselves and to open a conversation with some questions. Among them, asking for age, profession and the reasons for participating in Speed Dating are the typical ones. All the chatiing must be done before a bell rings announcing the switching to the next table where the next particiant wates.
Behind all this procedure, there's is said to be a scientific basis, which assures that every person needs only a few minutes to come up with a decision about who is in front of them. This means that people can realize if the person they are talking to is a potential lover, a possible friend or just somebody else in the world, more quickly than it is belived.
After finishing the Speed Dating with every other particiant, they are all asked to fill in a file with the first impression they get of their dates. They choose between the prhases "without afinity", "friendship", and "love at first sight", to refer to every one to whom they speak.
If there's any coincidence between what the participants choose, the game organizers let them know, and it is then when love really appears. The ones who benefit from the game have to decide, after the coincidence, if they will continue dating or not. And the decision comes up after what the first impression of the other person leaves on them. To feel connected to somebody else from the very beginnig is basic to the succes of any relationship. This is part of the escence of love. And in the end of the game this escence appears. Just when the situation has to be solved by two, face to face, alone. They have to decide wether they answer to love calling, or they just leave and wait for tthe next time.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Journal: Hard Times for Romanticism

There's no doubt that through the history of human beings, filosophers, artists and cientists have tried to discover what love is, where it is, how does it work and why it is so hard to find it once and for ever. Although love is the most outstanding human creation, its presence in reality is limited. An, as a result of this, men and women cross in their ways over and over again meeting and separating in a sort of broken hearts' waltz.
Love was supposed to be the strongest force. The one that coulnd not be defeated by anything. But nowadays there's an exception for this rule. Love can cope with everything except with the actual reality. In order to be just like everything else in the actual times, there's a new version of love, also marked by the necessity of easy succes and without too much tolerance to frustrations. And this is the consequence of people's intend to hide and bottle up the fears that prevent them from relating one to each other.
The fear of rejection, of the loss of liberties, of unfaithfulness and betrayal among others, ended up to prepare people to separate because of any little inconvenient situation. The high rate of divorces shown by our present societies clearly demostrate the generalization of the lack of confidence with which we relate to ourselves and to the others.
We seem to have forgot what love really is: a commitment between two peolple who are together because of pasion, partnership and patience, without any guarantee of succes but with the hope left by having common projects and the possibiliy of an entire life together. This concept of love, known by the most ancient romantic traditions appears to be at the point of extinction nowadays.
The promises of eternal love, the pacts, the impulsive reactions as well as the simplest things such as a bunch of roses or a poem have moved down the stairs until ending up at the bottom of any lover priorities. Actual love is full of fears and useless reasoning. But we are not paying attention to what our new kind of loving is asking for. It needs an urgent returning back to
the romantic roots of it. And this is he task of the new generations. To re invent and re design love and the human relationships, and the codes that flow from attraction. In this way a new meening of love will arise, which is new but old in fact, and the basic magic of it would be its escence again.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Journal: Friends' Day

Today is the Friends's Day. We conmemorate our good friendships by meeting with the people involved in them. We gather all together with the friends of all our entiry life. Some of us celebrate this day by visiting each friend they have but some others choose among the people they know the ones who are closest to them. There's people who share meels in restaurants or at home in orther to celebrate and many others share just a couple of drinks in a bar. Some friends spend the whole day together by doing all the activities they are supposed to do in company of their friends.
Doing a sort of special activity such as going to the cinema or the park is traditional when the 20 of July arrives. Within the agenda of every person, especially young people, there's at least one activity for today that involves spending time with friends. We adore friendship.
But what about if all your friends are far away? I am 1200 km more or least far way from my province, where all my friends are today. And I will think about them today. I will miss them.
Sometimes, when I'm in Buenos Aires (province which I visit quite regularly) I feel like if I am rehersing for my future life. Because this is what is going to be like when I finally move here. I am going to be far. I'm am not going to be able, for example, to plan acitivities with my friends for a day like this one. But I don't feel sad because of this, it is just that I'm experiencing the situation in advance. And I think this is beneficial in a way. Because I will have the chance to make a final decision before coming here definitelly, and I will already have some experience in what to reflect on in orther to decide.
For the time being, I accept this and I take it just like it comes. Because this is what I really want to do. But I know there are going to be hard times for me. Particularly during this kind of celebrations, when the only way to satisfy my necessity of my friends is by a phone call. And not a long one because I don't have too much money for it!
I think today about the distance and what does it do to us and to our relationships. Once I read something like "distance strengthen friendships". And it is a paradox the way in which this comes up to be truth. Being far away I feel close to some people who are not near me, physically speaking.
I am going to spend this day with one of my best friends, who is actually here with me and who is at the same time the love of my life. And I'm going to think about the friends who wait for me in Tucuman, for whom I wish the best.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Journal: Live Earth

On July 07, took place a musical wake up call all over the world which was intended to begin the vital breakdown nedeed in terms of actions to save the planet. The concert was held in the main cities of every continent and was luckily very well attended. Many of the most famous world musicians took part of it in order to support the idea of starting a global popular movement that will force governments to take decisive action to combat global warming.
Unlike many other campaigns similar to this one, Live Earth's organizers looked for the support of people through names instead of money. The idea was to reach the highest number as possible of people comitted to the responsibility of fighting for this common case. What was planned was that all the people involved continue the fighting that the concert proposed, after it. And this can be done in many ways. People can help the planet every day in their daily lives by taking ecological methods of living. Or they can do it in more social way by taking part in organizations which take care of environmental issues and supporting them.
The audience of the concert was asked to support a seven point pledge which ranged from calling on governments of the industrialized countries to bring in a treaty to cut up carbon emissions up to making a prsonal commitment in their own lives to cut back on the emission of greenhouse gases which are causing the atmosphere to warm up.
The idea of the concert sounds great to me but I wonder if it will work. I hope so and I believe that it is better to do this type of campaigns in a massive way, just as Live Earth organizers did it, instead of leaving the responsibility to each govermnet or each country separetly. First of all, because there are still many people arund the world who have no idea about global warming and climate change and about the danger that this problems imply to the continuity of life in earth. And secondly because these are problems that affect all of us, at the same time in the same scale. This are wordly problems, for what we should work to solve them all together. But we can only do it if we all stand up and be counted. This was precisely what the Live Earth's massive message proposed by it campaign of awarness about global warming and I believe it is a good case to join in and to fight for.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Journal: Oriental Trend

To meditate belongs to an inner part of the human behavior. And the practice of meditation really has a lot of benefits. The problem is that we live in hard times for meditation. The ability of reflecting on something is nowadays surpassed by the power of action and rapid determination to come up with solutions. We don't give our minds time to think or time to digest the information that flows into our brains. We seek for quick answers to everything. And at the same time we don't reflect about ourselves and about our emotional state. We don't even know wether we are really happy or not because we don't slow down and wonder about that. Our lives consist only just of eating, working and sleeping. And there's no room for meditating and for the peace that silence can bring to us. Silence is shut up by noise.
Due to the trend created by several oriental methodogies applied to medicine, cosmetic therapies and cooking, meditation has found a door open to enter in our daily lives. And this door is found through the practise of Yoga, which saves the lack of interest in meditating that grew in people as a result of modernization and globalazation. Is important to mention first that Yoga is any methodology which by practising it, the person can reach the state of being hyperconscious. This is known as "samandhi". But samandhi goes far beyond meditation. And to reach it, a biological methamorfosis of the personal structure is needed. And this requires time and health. In simple words, to find yourself able to do that implies practising the discipline in a strict way and through many years.
For this reason , most of the people is not interest in that state but in practising Yoga in a more relaxed way, especially in the Occident. They just do it as part of a physical training which offers them important advantages. Yoga teaches people how to breath better and relax, how to make muscles work, and it is beneficial for the blood stream and the nerves. There are also more other positive effects that Yoga leaves on people's body and health such as flexibility, strenght and an increased vitality. All this results are felt rapidly and achieved through beautiful exercises which respect the biological rythm of every person.
Beside of being a fashion trend nowadays, to practise Yoga and to meditate are highly profitable for the human body and mind. They are an invitation to find our internal peace and balance. To stop our brains from a useless rush of thoughts. To stop running and to fill us with good vibrations.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Journal: What is dangerous and what is not

To believe that hundred of young people commit suicide every year because of playing video games too much is to blame computers for a social problem, and this is, from parents´s part, not to assume the responsibility for the young.
300 teenagers have committed suicide in Northen Ireland by the year 2005. And their deaths were blame on the possibility that the kids were under stress because of spending too much time in front of computers. Some of the cases are really important to highlinght, because police discovered several chatrooms in which suicides are promoted and in which visitors are challenged to commit it and to be part and agree with death pacts.
But what is really going on is that the exposure of the teenagers to the internet is not controlled at all by parents as well as regulations on web pages are not as accurate as required. Due to this, kids have access to lot of imformation and to people that they parents do not even know about.
By the other hand, the possibility that the kids end up in a suicide does not depend on what he or she reads on the internet or with whom he or she chats, but on the emotional status of the kids. The situation can be dangerous if a kid has developed a suicidal tendency and this one is emphasized by external factors, like the internet and what comes with it.
Playing violent video games and being part of suicidal chatrooms are some of the many factors that can have a bad influence on kids. But to put emphais on them as cause of the high rate of teenagers suicides is not to focus on the real causes of this problem.
Parents and schools should pay attention to the signs that a kid who is emotionally sad or depressed may show, such as low marks and low academic development, feelings of isolation and lack of interest in social activities, drugs and alcohol abuse, etc. And then, the roots of these signs should be treated as well, which in most of the cases are related to the fact that the teenager belongs to a poor family, a single mother family or a divorced parents family, or a family in which one member suffers from alcoholism. Sometimes teenagers are depressed because they are treated with violence at home, they suffer sexual and pshycological abuses or they are bullied at school.
It seems to be eassier to believe that kids are in risk because of computers and internet instead of realizing that what really leaves a teenager to suicide is a complex pshycological satus, which is directly influenced by the complete enviorment in which he or she lives. Parents should think about how poor can be the relationship between them and their children and how poor can sometimes be the involvement of them on their kids´life. This is what is needed to be change and not the frecuency and way in which teenagers chat and play video games.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Journal: Is there to much commercialism in Internet?

Having recently read an article about the way in wich eBay and MercadoLibre are planning to work in the following years, there are no doubts whatsoever that there is too much commercialism in the Internet. Put it in this way, this seems to be something bad. But in fact, this is not.
Commercialism is practically the basis that supports much of the nternet. First of all, to have an e-mail account on Hotmail or Yahoo is technically free of charge. It is possible that you pay for your connection to the Net. But you don´t pay a regularly sum of money just to keep your e-mail account activated, as you are supposed to do with, for example, accounts in banks. And it is exctly with commercialism, more presicely with advertising that the accounts succed to survive. It is probable that you have noticed that within your e-mail page and within any web page there are a lots of advertising links. Well, the people behind those brands and enterprises which offer all kind of services and products through the Internet do really pay monthly sums of money.
On the other hand, commerce itself leaves a lot of money on the nternet, and it is also a means by which it continues existing. The business of buying and selling things through the Net is nowadays lead by the two wordly enterprises eBay and MercadoLibre which until September 2006 have worked together in the market. By offering the best garantees to customers who use these companies and the fewer requirementes for the ones who want to register on them, eBay and MercadoLibre are the most real proof that commercialism is a greater part of the Internet.
The thing is, that this is not as bad as we think. the advantages of Internet are, undoubtely, a lot. And as I said, Internet existes practically because of commerce. Consaquently, there are no rasons to worry if the presence of it is too high on the Net.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Journal: An Integral Educational System.

An article that I read made me reflect on how important is the integration of children with inferior learning capacities in schools. The concept of special education is centered on the necessities that children with learning disabilities have in order to catch up with the rest of the class.
Nowadays the focus of the problem has changed. And luckily, schools answer to the necessity of each children in particular, instead of focusing on the disability itself that some of they may have. In other words, schools put emphasis in what the kid needs from an educational point of view. So, as he or she can integrate within the normal social situations.
From this approach, to talk about learning disabilities implies also to take into account all type of strategies and services that are required by schools in orther to succed in the integrity. And this idea is not new. In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human's rights included also the right that every person has to education. And in the Conference of Education helded in 1990, the garantee of this right was also defended, regardless of the differences that children may have between them. Following this line, 92 governments and 25 international organizations agreed in the year 1994 that every children with learning disabilities should have access to ordinary schools and that they should be integrated with a pedagogical system which centers in the kid himself so as to satisfy his or her particularly necessity.
All this modern view of the problem places emphasis on all the things a child with learning problems would be able to learn if he or she is supported and encouraged to do this.
So, integrity, educationally speaking, doesn't mean to have inside the same classroom all type of students, but to pay attention to the particular needs of each of them. The benefits of an Integral Educatinal System are really wide. Becasue the implementation of inclusive schools is not only the best way to teach and give the example to teenagers that to discriminate is wrong, but also is the way to achieve a society in which different children are not longer left on the margins of Education.

Journal: It's time to get organized.

It called my attention the petition that many investors are doing in order to obtain a law which controls the expansion of woods in my province. This extremelly necessary activity is stopped nowadays bacause of the lack of an appropiate legislation on the topic and because of the important grade of informality and the lack of organization of the entities incharged.
In addition, one of the main reasons why our woods are not actually in expansion is because the activity is not correctly promoted. The National Forestal Association of Argentina believes that the forestal growing of our country is one of the highest of the entire world and to this optimistic information, we can add that the praices of the lands which can be used in forestation are low in comparision with the neighbouring countries. That is to say that, Argentina can result attractive to the investors of this field.
But beside the benefits that Argentina has as regarding Forestation, in the province of Tucuman the 2,500 hectares of woods that were in existance in the year 2004 have dramatically reduced to 150 hectares in the following year. And luckily the number has raised again to 1,700 hectares during 2007. This are the numbers that the Departament of Forestation has registrated. In the other hand, the producers say that they feel discouraged to get involved in foresation because the national budget for this activity usually arrives late to our province. As a solution, many environmental specialists suggest to make the wooden market an integrated business, because this would make the activity more preofitable and consequently, investors would feel attracted.
It's alarming to know that our province, having the number of possible wooden lands that it actually has, does not autosupply from wood since 20 years ago. In order to compensae this, and the low expansion of the forestal activity, the province has received economic help from the United Nations which was thought to be used in the instalation of a provincial nursery. This project is already in progress and it counts with the support of the Faculty of Agronomics from the National University of Tucuman. The idea is to use this plant nursery to the development of some of our tipical trees that could be then used in forestation. The investors believed that the provincial government is really encouriging the forestation in Tucuman, but the lack of organization unluckily affects the activity a lot.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Journal: Ten things I'd like to accomplish in my life (PartII):

6) To buy a house: I have seen my own family sufering because of not having a place of their own. My parents never had the chance to buy a house, and now they have to solve their elder stage of life without a palce where to live or without anything to leave to us. This situation put them in front of dranatic moments. And I think I would like to work hard and buy a house. I would like to do this just as an intent of trying to avoid having the same problems that my parents did have when I become elder.
7) To visit Cafayate again: Cafayate is the place which makes me think about my happiest memories. Because most of the best moments of my childhood ocurred there. That is the place where I spent several of my holidays with my familiy. And I would love to visit it again. This aim seems not to difficult to achieve and for many reasons I think this is going to occur quite soon.
8) Travelling abroad: I had the chance to travel abroad only once in my life. The trip was to Brazil and I expect to repeat this experience again but I would prefer to go next time to an European country or maybe to the US. This is something that remains more like an impossible dream than as something probable to achive.But, at the same time, I know that achiving this dream depends entirely on me...
9) To practice dance: I love dancing. I love all type of rythms. But I'm quite lazzy in what refers to physical activities. That's why I have never practice any sport. or gone to a gym. I used to swim, but I did it in a very interrupted way. And as reganding gymnastics, I have never succed in attending to a gym fort more than a month. I have a great lack of constancy. But I know how important is to exercise the body. I'm conscious about the negative impacts that being lazy and habing sedentary habits could have in my health. Well, with a little bit of determination, I will start doing some physical activity, and that would be, to practice dance.
10) To cope with sad thoughts: I am really hard with myself as regarding the memories of the past, and with the acceptance of it. I do not allow mysef to forget.And I do not easily forgive. This cause me lots of troubles especially within my social life. I would like to accomplish a more peaceful attitude in what refers to the things that are already gone, and a more possitive point of view towards the present and the future...and finally, I would love to kiss the past goodbye!

Journal: Ten things I'd like to accomplish in my life (Part I):

1) To obtain my degree: Nowadays I can say that I have already passed more than half of my career. This means that I'm closer to obtain my degree than ever before, or at least this how I feel. And I also feel quite possitive as regarding the accomplishment of the end of this task. I think that obtainning my degree is a goal which I'm going to achieve probably by the end of next year. And that is not much time to wait! All I need is to keep on with the effort and to keep on constantly studying, and in this way, I will end my studies by the time I'm supposing to.
2) To move to Buenos Aires: After finishing my carreer, my plan is to move to Buenos Aires. This aim is particurlarly more related to my personal life than to my professional life. The fact is that my boyfriend is already living there. And if you have already read some of my journals you probably know that we have a project as a couple of making our home in Buenos aires.
3) To work as a teacher: I don't know yet if I am going to make my living by working as a teacher of English, but this is something that I really want to do. I mean, to teach. Probably I will devote just a few days to this, and in the rest of the week I will do some sort of work related to the English being a receptionist or something like that. I suppose this, because actually, teaching in my country doesn't leave too much money. But, in any case, If I can earn my living only from teching, I will.
4) To learn another language appart from English, or two: While learning English I discovered that I really enjoy learning a foreign language. So, after finishing my career I would like to learn some other language too. I have not yet thought about which particurlarly language I will decide on, but for sure I will not learn it as a career. My intetion is to learn it just as some way to enlarging my knowledge. Nowadays, the Educational market offers many ways of learning languages as short courses and I believe I will do this in that way.
5) Having a family: I will move to live with my boyfriend soon and probably I will get marry soon too. And of course, I would love to have a child some day. But this will depend in the way we project our future together. I will prefer to plan my pregnancy in order to prepare in advance to this and in order to do it in a time of my life when I REALLY WISH to.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Journal: The fake lawyers.

At the beginning of the year, there was a judicial situation in which our National University was involved , and this shocked me a lot. The fact was that 97 students from the Faculty of Laws received passing marks on their exams even though it was discovered that some of them had failed those exams. And what is worst , is that an important percentage of the students had not even took the exams. All these irregularities, led the authorities of the Faculty of Law to denounced this case on the federal Court of Justice.
Luckily, the investigation was started inmediately and continued during the last months. It is said that the students who are involved in the case are going to be called by justice soon. A local newspaper also announced that untill now, 67 students have been proved to be directly affected by this case and that the justice is willing to hear their declarations. For the time being, the University is not allowing them to continue with their studies. On the other hand, the Faculty is greatly colaborating with the justice by handind over all the evidence that they are requested by the lawyers who attend the case
All this investigation turned also to the students who already have their degrees. And in result, several denunciations have been made by the College of Lawyers. This College is incharged of delivering the permissions to the students that have already finished their career so as to allow them to work as lawyers. This entity have recently discovered that some of the students who asked for that permission had not taken the final exams or some others had just assisted to the Faculty for no more than two yeasr!
All this realization about the existance of fake lawyers and about the situation of some students that were about to became part of this fraud makes me think that at least the controls and measures necessary to avoid this are already functioning. But on the other hand, there's no way to avoid the question about how many fake degrees have already been delivered before all this case saw the light?
The only solution, for the time being, is just to put emphasis on the safety meassures. Universities and Colleges should for example made their data base interchangeable with the governmental organizations. This might be a way of making both institutions stronger to confront this type of frauds and might also be a way to trasmit security to the society about these type of cases.

Journal: Our past made us pessimists

I read an article last Sunday on a local nwespaper of my city which really caught my attention. It told about the pessimist attitude that many people in Argentina have which leads them to be complainning all the time. People complain about the weather, about the lack of money, and about whatever they can, without being able to confront all this insatisfaction and without succeding in chaging their point of view about life.
It surprised me a lot that appart from psychologists and sociologist, this is also the opinion of foreign people about Argentinians. They really believe that we are pessimists. At the same time, I felt relaxed because I consider my self quite pessimist and I used to think about my self as a fish out of the water. But now I know, that this pessimist attitude seems to be a characteristic of the whole society wich I belong to.
There's a psychologist who puts emphasis on the origins of this attitude which for her is related to the history of our country. She explains that a complete social class was obliged to remain in silence during the times of the military government. And after it, when all that people could have started to express themselves, this was done with lots of difficulties, which were a consequence of the fear that was still being part of our culture. This woman, compared Argentina with other LatinAmerican countries in which the the militar regimen has also ruled. The fact is that only in Argentina, the reaction against it, has arrived with high dosages of mellancolly.
Before the represion, there was in our country a hard working middle class wich was beaten hardly. And the effects generated by the idea of lose, which the represion caused, was bigger here than in other countries. We had known a moment of cultural and intelectual splendour, and then, we saw our society devastated. And, beside the passing of time, the acceptance of what happened, has not yet completely arrived...
The proposal of who wrote the article is that we should find the way to transform our pessimist attitude and complaints into positive attitudes towards the future. We should take another position in front of our lives and think positively in the possibility of better times. This seems to be the first change that is needed in order to really get to a better future.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Journal: The 25th Anniversary of The Falklands War

This year, on June 14th, we conmemorated the 25th anniversary of the militar defeat of the Argentinian troops in the Falklands, which arose after only 45 days of warlike conflict. 74 days before the end of tha war, the militar government which run our country by those times decided to win back the Islands by force. And the consequences of fighting for those territories which were under Britain's power since the 19th century, were really dramatic for Argentina, and still are.
That 14 of June of 1982 was the end of a war faught with disparity as regarding militar forces. Argentina's troop didnt't have the preparation in what refers to the war strategy that is needed to assume such a reponsibility. And what is even worse is that the possible reactions of the main world powers were not took into account by our government.That is to say that not even were proposals about the diplomat alternatives which would have help us to avoid the war.
It is also truth that Britain was determined to fight for the Falklands and as well as Argentina, they didn't pay attention to the international petitions of finding a pacific way out which would have solved the conflict.
Those mistakes and the decision taken by Argentina of confronting a battle under inferior conditions, were the path to that bloody war over the Islands. And the only remarkable thing of it, is the bravery of our soldiers as well as the professional capacity and courage of our pilots. They are the reason why we will never forget that Argentina left there, spread trough the South Atlantic, 650 heroes.
After the end of the war, Argentina went back to a Democratic type of government and to the policy which undestands the pacific solution of international conflicts as the only way to defend the national interest. Together whith those changes, came also the constantly fight for our sovereignity over the Falklands. 25 years after the militar battle over the Malvinas, is time to continue the talks with Britain, which were once unfairy interrupted by a tragic war.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Journal: An awful experience.

Some weeks ago I had the worst trip of my entire life. I was coming back from Buenos Aires by bus and I had an awful experience.
We left the bus station at 8 o'clock in the evening. At the beginning everything seemed to be ok. And the trip continued in that way until more or less 2 am. As I am a person who doesn't have too much troubles to sleep while travelling, I was completely asleep by that time. But the bus had stopped and this situation woke me up. I noticed then, that we were at some kind of garage. I took a look outside the bus and I saw the drivers and some other men checking the bus engine. I assumed that the bus had had some technical problem and that we were there waiting for assistance. I was right. And more than an hour later, we continued travelling. I went on sleeping till the breakfast stop, which took place at some town in the province of Santa Fe. While having a coffee I noticed that we had stopped for breakfast quite late in comparision to the usual time at whichh buses generally stop. The reason for the delay was that the technical problem that our bus had during night obliged it to go slow. And we were told that we were going to continue travelling at the same slow speed, for what the time of arrival to Tucuman was going to be shift from 10 am to 12. In my case, there was no reason to worry. I had a nice book to read and the delay wouldn´t cause me any trouble.
But same hours later, the whole situation changed dramatically. The bus broke down again, and this time in the middle of nowhere. All the passengers were asked to get down of it and to wait for another bus that would carry us to Santiago del Estero's bus station. The wait for the bus took an hour and a half. The weather was really cold and the fact that the delay was going to be innevitably longer started to upset me.
Finally, we were picked up on an urban bus, which was not allowed to travel long distances. That was why, we had to wait for a third bus in Santiago!!! Of course, this wait took an hour and a half more. In between, there was lunch time. Lucky of me that I got some pocket money with which I bought a sandwich at the bus station. In my opinion, lunch should have been provided by the bus company. Because most passengers imagined that by lunch time we were supposed to be already in Tucuman. Anyway, I didn't expect too much from the bus company...personally I believe that they do not assumed their responsibilities when being involved in this kind of situations.
The third bus finally arrived and we all desperately went on it. We travelled without stopping again to Tucuman at where we arrived nearly 6 o'clock in the afternoon.
I regret a lot for having bought my tickets to the bus company by which I travelled. A trip that usually lasts 16 hours ended up to last more or less 24 hours. I think next time I will take the train by which te trip takes the same time of this awful experience and by which the tickects cost half price.

Journal: Bush administration over the policy on Iraq.

Nearly a month ago, President Bush asked for the new budget that is going to be needed to keep on suporting the war on Iraq and Afganistan. Unfourtunatelly, the House of Representatives of the United States approved 100 billion dollars in new funds for this war.
In 2004, a year and half Bush began the war, his policy was challenged directly by Jhon Kelly, his democrat oponent. But Bush was reelected by a clear margin of votes. Two years later, the public opinion has shifted. Actually, it suports the democrats. And Bush should be called upon to pay attention to the democrats and the general public opinion. This is necessary, taking into account the muddled political situation that US next year elections have created. Only then, the real course of the problem will be set.
During this month, Bush has tried to stir up support for the war by saying that al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden is plotting against the US and that he is attempting to established a base of operation in Iraq. The president of the United States also explained that after eluding an US manhunt, Bin Laden has been isolated and driven into hidding. Bush added that if he knew where Bin Laden is he would bring him to justice.
The fact is that even without a Bin Laden's cell in Iraq, the violence will continue. President Bush predicted a bloody summer for US troops and Iraq civilians as rebels and al Qaeda step up attacks. And for him, the aim of this attacks is to influence the US debate on his war strategy.
Recently, a suicide car bomb drove into a funeral, killing at least 27 people in a restive province west of Baghdad. Also, in the Iraqui capital, gunmen stopped a bus and shoot dead all the 11 passengers, then, they planted a bomb that exploted when the police arrived killing two people and wonding four. This attacks came despite of a major security crackdown focused on Baghdad, which is the epicenter of sectarian violence between majority Shiites and minority Sunnis. Police said that the funeral at which one of the attacks took place was for a local bussinessman opposed to Sunni Islamist al Qaeda and that campaigns of bombing and shooting against Sunni leaders, politicians and others who have formed an alliance against Shiites will probably going to be planned by the same group responsible for the attack.
Because of this violence between the parties of the same Iraq, thousand of US and Iraq troops have been desployed and are ready to continue fighting.
Returning back to the US, although the democrat party has been gaining support the world will have to wait for the next year elections in tha States, because only that elections can set out the war's future course.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Journal: An Earthy Paradise.

Invited by my friend, who is a professional photographer, I assited to a photographs' exhibition which was based on his last trip to Bolivia. The exhibition took place at a small but cosy amateur cultural centre sittuated in the city town. The reception of the guests was wonderful. We were received with "empanadas" and a glass of an exquisite "vino patero". And all this catering was accompained by the performance of some groups of music which had the task of invading the atmosphere with our traditional "folclore".
After gorging ourselves with good food and nice music, we finally paid attention to the exhibition itself, which consisted of landscapes photographs made all of them on the fazinating Titi Kaka lake. This amazing place is sittuated at 3810 meters above sea level. And this remerkable altitud was also the tittle that my friend chosed for his exhibition. The invitation said in big letters "3810 MSNM" and I must confessed that I only understood what that number and letters meant when I heard the openning speech given by my friend at the beginning of the presentation. In it, he explained the theme of the exhibition, and the reasons why he chossed that place, and he also explained to us the significance of the tittle.
Taking a glance at those wonderful pieces of art, I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the sights that was pictured on the photographs. I thought of my vast land, and the variety of my continent as regarding climate and geography, which make Latin America a place full of really amazing landscapes and natural sceneries.
I spent a very agreable night on the exhibition, with friends, food and music, but the vedette of the experience were the photos, of course.
The professional quality of my friend as a photographer in combination with those breathtaking paradisiac views, made the exhibition really enjoyable for me.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Journal: Wrong activities in wrong places.

I'm studying English in order to become a teacher. This is not my biggest dream, but this is the career that for many reasons I have chosen. But when looking at the actual situation of Eucation in mu country I realize that my career might be probably obstructed in the future.
The socio-economic situation of Argentina had led to a dramatic change in the role of teachers at schools. A teacher is primarly supposed to go to schools to teach; secondly back up to students as regarding external issues that are not related to learning is also understood within the profession. In addition teachers are supposed to follow the assignments chosen for his or her by the institution at which the professional works. And also, a teacher's task includes activities related to the educational field, such us teachers' thecnical perfection. And all this, is my intention for the future.
But nowadays, teachers have ended up performing the role of social assistants. Predominantly, in public schools. The poor economic situation of students is not left outside the classrooms. First of all the kids cannot afford for the clothe and for the material they need for classes, which is a big problem for teachers and schools, that in most of the cases have to pay for those things themselves. An even worse situation, is the fact that children are not fed well because of the pauper reality of their femilies. They faint in class, they cannot keep on with their tasks and homeworks, they fail in paying attention and show an important lack of concentration, and they also have serious problems of behaviour.
As a solution for the under-fed situation at which many students live, our governments have include at schools certain social programms such as the one called "Copa de Leche". Understanding these kind of programms as a way to cope with poverty, they are really correct. Hundred of kids have acces to food at schools, otherwise they have nothing to eat during day.
But when remembering which is the real purpose of schools, this programms highly interrupt the teachers'work. Because appart from teaching, they have to cook and prepare food, serve it to the students, and this is all done at times which are supposed to be spent on teaching and learning.
This unusual situations at schools, that reflect our actual reality, have made teachers to stop teaching in order to provide assistance to the children.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Journal: Women & Shoes

Shoes ocupy a particular place within women's culture. Not only are they one of the main pieces of clothe but they also form a staple part in women's life, and this is shown in the vast examples found in the history of human beings at which this objects have always been particularly related to the female side.
As it is well known, fantazy arises around the shoes world. And this feeling lies especially on crossing yourself with a unique opportunity that ocurrs few times in a woman's life:and that is just, finding a pair of shoes with an excellent design at half price!. This challenge is more likely to be satisfactory performed in outlets.
Besides the fact that there are lot of women who are really fans of shoes, every single lady has at least, little fond on this fashion elements. It's estimated that ordinary women in US have more or less 27 pairs of shoes inside her wardrobe. This includes trainers, sandals, boots, flippers, slippers and heel shoes. Some of the 27 pairs are said to be used by their owners only twice or three times per year. Sympathy that sometimes develops towards a particular pair of shoes, rather than another, changes in women as rapidly as the weather may change.
Fanatism is another issue extremelly related to shoes. Richard the III, was believed to be of this type. And for him, there were enough reasons in life to give up his reign for a pair of shoes. He was a really shoes lover (I heard this on TV once). Most famous people are address as shoes fans, many of whom have declared to have more than 100 pairs of them.
Comfortableness of shoes is paramount, especially when deciding on your next pair, among other issues such as design and price. The shoes must fit you, must make you feel comfortable and happy of haven chosen them. Regardless if they have been bought after looking at several options or if they were achieved by the impulse that love at first sight betwwen you and them caused, you should feel the certainty that those shoes were made for you.
It's amaizing what a woman can make in order to obtain a pair of shoes which caught her attention( for more imformation ask my best friend). For example, if the amount of money that a lady needs for them is what obstruct her path to reach those shoes, she will for sure mantain faithful to her goal and do what is necessary until finally succeding in buying that pair.
Women adore to look and to buy shoes, but what's more fullfiling is to wear a pair for the first time. And this overwhelming feeling can be doubled, if the new shoes are accompained with a bag or purse that perfectly matches!
Shoes are quite more than simply an outer covering for your feet. They are an element of art for designers, an object of desire for women and a form of seduction for men...and they give to women's figure a contribution to her steticism.